Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘women’

“An excellent cross-section of work by and about the intersectional experience of contemporary womanhood.” – WOMEN OF RESISTANCE reviewed at Hyperallergic

Monday, August 13th, 2018

When I picked up Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism, a collection of poems by 49 female-identified poets published by OR Books, I hoped to report that feminist poetry — and the new feminism that it represents — would not be a tragic, polemic trudge through the trash-pile that patriarchy has made of the world and women’s lives. .

Read the full review here.

“Throws some of the spotlight back onto the women who have had an active and prominent role in the unfolding of events that have changed national security discourse.” – WOMEN, WHISTLEBLOWING, WIKILEAKS reviewed in the Fair Observer

Monday, July 30th, 2018

Information, as powerful as it is, belongs to everyone and can help in individual self-determination.

At the center of any WikiLeaks discussion lies Julian Assange, the platform’s founder who has been embroiled in scandals and accusations of misogyny, amongst all else. Lesser known is the story of the women involved in the WikiLeaks phenomenon, as whistleblowing is an area of activity that, as Renata Avila, Sarah Harrison and Angela Richter write in Women, Whistleblowing, WikiLeaks: A Conversation, is “widely perceived as heavily male dominated.”

Read the full review here.

“Written to further the fight on a number of epic fronts – gender, data privacy and disinformation.” WOMEN, WHISTLEBLOWING, WIKILEAKS reviewed atArts Talk

Monday, June 18th, 2018

The wonderfully alliterative name of this recently published book may be difficult to resist, but don’t let the title fool you. This slim volume has been written to further the fight on a number of epic fronts – gender, data privacy and disinformation. The battlefield is the digital world and its three writers are self-declared digital activists. What do such labels really mean you may wonder and where does Julian Assange fit in?

This book takes the form of a conversation between three dedicated female activists – British journalist and human rights advocate, Sarah Harrison, Renata Avila, a well-known Guatemalan human rights lawyer and digital rights expert and Angela Richter, a Croatian-German theatre director and author. I was party to a similar live conversation between these three women at a recently attended Border Sessions Tech Culture Festival here in the Hague. This is a wide ranging collaboration between Crossing Borders and a variety of local tech-focused initiatives including Impact City, Start-Up Factory and Hack the Planet among others. All three women have close connections with Wikileaks and all are highly sympathetic to the current situation of the organisation’s founder – Julian Assange. Described by him as a ‘a giant library of the world’s most persecuted documents’ to which this multi-national media organisation ‘gives asylum’, Assange may well be describing his own situation in the Ecuardorian embassy in London. Founded in 2006, WikiLeaks has published more than 10 million documents and associated analyses including the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diary and of course the NSA scandal leaked by Edward Snowden.


Read the full review here.

“It’s not the journalist’s role to decide what the public can see” – SARAH HARRISON interviewed by the European Centre for Press & Media Freedom

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

GAMEC HANGER is the annual conference of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom on 28 -29 May 2018 in Leipzig. Its theme is the controversial role of new technology in the future of media freedom. To inform debate, ECPMF is publishing several articles. In an interview with former WikiLeaks editor Sarah Harrison, who helped whistleblower Edward Snowden to escape to Russia, ECPMF discusses the issues raised in her new book “Women, whistleblowing and WikiLeaks“, published by OR Books.

Read the full interview here.

“Empowering, demanding, comforting and tragic all at the same time”: WOMEN OF RESISTANCE reviewed at Cultured Vultures

Thursday, April 12th, 2018

Women of Resistance: Poem for a New Feminism is a collection of poems revolving around the subjects of sexism and racism, whether ‘everyday’ or more extreme, and the implications of such attitudes in a wider consideration.

Reading the book, I got the overwhelming impression that each poet is in full support of the other, and that they are all restless for the same cause. There is something profoundly comforting in the knowledge that all these people understand; there is a sense of an army of poets, voices shouting from the pages that things need to change.

Read the full review at Cultured Vultures.

Read an interview with SARAH HARRISON co-author of WOMEN, WHISTLEBLOWING, WIKILEAKS at Refinery29

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Plenty of women are whistleblowers, and plenty more work for the organisations that aid them. So why do we rarely hear about these women? And who are they?

In 2010, British journalist Sarah Harrison, then in her mid-20s, began working for WikiLeaks, the website created by Julian Assange to help expose large-scale injustices and cover-ups. It was the year that the site received and published some of its most explosive information to date; the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diary and Cablegate were a collection of classified documents that were leaked out of the American military by Chelsea Manning, including a video showing the killing of civilians in a 2007 Baghdad airstrike.

Read the full interview here.

“Vibrant and dynamic”: Tears in the Fence review WOMEN OF RESISTANCE

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

This anthology has a strong feminist ethos that cuts through race, gender identity and sexuality. The resistance in the title stems from the fight for agency through suffrage in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election as US President. The editor’s note that ‘suffrage’ comes from Middle English, meaning intercessory prayer, and this informs their invocation of the other, encompassing transgender women, as well as its sense of grieving for the violence, rape and oppression of women.

Read the full review here.

Pamela Anderson speaks at the WOMEN, WHISTLEBLOWING, WIKILEAKS launch

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

Watch here.

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