Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘whistleblowing and WikiLeaks’

“Throws some of the spotlight back onto the women who have had an active and prominent role in the unfolding of events that have changed national security discourse.” – WOMEN, WHISTLEBLOWING, WIKILEAKS reviewed in the Fair Observer

Monday, July 30th, 2018

Information, as powerful as it is, belongs to everyone and can help in individual self-determination.

At the center of any WikiLeaks discussion lies Julian Assange, the platform’s founder who has been embroiled in scandals and accusations of misogyny, amongst all else. Lesser known is the story of the women involved in the WikiLeaks phenomenon, as whistleblowing is an area of activity that, as Renata Avila, Sarah Harrison and Angela Richter write in Women, Whistleblowing, WikiLeaks: A Conversation, is “widely perceived as heavily male dominated.”

Read the full review here.

“It’s not the journalist’s role to decide what the public can see” – SARAH HARRISON interviewed by the European Centre for Press & Media Freedom

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

GAMEC HANGER is the annual conference of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom on 28 -29 May 2018 in Leipzig. Its theme is the controversial role of new technology in the future of media freedom. To inform debate, ECPMF is publishing several articles. In an interview with former WikiLeaks editor Sarah Harrison, who helped whistleblower Edward Snowden to escape to Russia, ECPMF discusses the issues raised in her new book “Women, whistleblowing and WikiLeaks“, published by OR Books.

Read the full interview here.

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