Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘Stephen Gilpin’

STEPHEN GILPIN on the inside story of Trump University on The Torch

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Stephen Gilpin Author of Trump U: The Inside Story of Trump University. The first insider account straight from Trump University, by one of its principal instructors. -Trump University, the infamous and elaborate scheme to con hundreds of earnest citizens out of their hard-earned dollars.

Listen to the full interview here.

“It was like a cheesy B movie” STEPHEN GILPIN on TRUMP U in Salon

Monday, June 11th, 2018

Of the many scandals swirling around Donald Trump prior to his surprise election as president in 2016, perhaps the most telling — if tragically underplayed by the mainstream media — was the legal drama around Trump University. Trump sold the alleged “school” as a place for aspiring entrepreneurs to gain the necessary skills to make money in real estate. But the lawsuits that followed paint a different picture.”

Read the full interview here.

“Hard-hitting” – TRUMP U reviewed in January Magazine

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

That Trump is a con man for the ages is the clear conclusion made in Trump U: The Inside Story of Trump University (OR Books). This insider’s exposé was written by Stephen Gilpen, a former employee of the now-defunct, unaccredited Trump University, who is described on the book’s back cover as “a self-taught expert at leveraging properties.” Before he hired on with the Trump Organization’s 2005-2010 foray into pedagogical profiteering, Gilpen had run a mortgage business and had made good money flipping real estate. He writes in Trump U that he thought it was possible to do good things for communities while buying and selling properties.

Read the full review here.

STEPHEN GILPIN gives the inside story on TRUMP U at the Regional News Network

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

RFL Host Richard French speaks with Stephen Gilpin, author of the new book “Trump U, The Inside Story.”

Watch the full interview here.

“Every morning I wake up and think Mueller, go question him, get him under oath” – STEPHEN GILPIN author of TRUMP U in Business Insider

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

A former Trump University professor says he wakes up every morning with one wish — that special counsel Robert Mueller will interview President Donald Trump.

“Mueller, please, just question him,” Stephen Gilpin, a former Trump University instructor, told Business Insider in a recent interview while promoting his book “Trump U: The Inside Story of Trump University.” “That’s all I ask for. Every morning I wake up and think, ‘Mueller, go question him, get him under oath.’ … He doesn’t know what reality is. That’s how I look at him now. And I was a great admirer of him.”

Read the full article here.

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