Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘Robert Guffey’

“Chameleo: True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction & Homeland Security” — CHAMELEO author Robert Guffey interviewed on Forbidden Knowledge News podcast

Saturday, September 30th, 2023

Listen to the episode here.

“QAnon 2.0: “Sound of Freedom” and the rise of MAGA vigilantism” — OPERATION MINDFUCK author Robert Guffey featured in Salon

Saturday, September 2nd, 2023

“I once met a former Scientologist at a backyard barbecue who explained to me how L. Ron Hubbard, the mediocre science fiction author who founded the Church of Scientology in the 1950s, got his retro-pulp novel “Battlefield Earth” on the bestseller lists in 1982. According to this fellow, the church compelled all its members to rush out and buy multiple copies for friends, family members and even non-Scientologists (sometimes derogatorily known as “wogs”). How many copies of that 1,050-page doorstop actually got read? There’s no way to know, but “Battlefield Earth” spent eight weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. 

Something similar happened earlier this summer with Alejandro Gómez Monteverde’s film “Sound of Freedom,” which occupied the No. 1 spot at the box office until it was mercifully overtaken by Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie.” Whatever the original intentions of the filmmakers may have been, “Sound of Freedom” arrived in theaters as a thinly disguised QAnon recruitment film whose star, Jim Caviezel, is an evangelical Christian who has said he believes in the central myth of that conspiracy theory: that innocent children are being kidnapped by Satanists, dragged into underground dungeons and tortured to manufacture a chemical called “Adrenochrome,” whose consumption keeps the privileged elite forever youthful. This fantastical concept is ripped off from various sources, including Hunter S. Thompson’s 1971 “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” as well as an array of grade-B horror movies.

Read the full article here.

“QAnon’s weirdest obsession: Why does the radical far right fear the Masons?” — OPERATION MINDFUCK author Robert Guffey featured in Salon

Sunday, August 13th, 2023

In my most recent nonfiction book, “Operation Mindf**k: QAnon & the Cult of Donald Trump,” I focused extensively on a “QTuber” named Rick Rene, because I viewed him then and now as the perfectly imperfect microcosm of the entire messed-up QAnon universe, which perceives the Democratic Party as an elaborate cover for Satanic/Masonic pedophiles seeking to transform the Earth into a “one-world government.”

Read the full article here.

CHAMELEO author ROBERT GUFFEY is interviewed on “Where Did the Road Go?”

Thursday, March 15th, 2018

Listen to the full interview at Where Did the Road Go?

Robert Guffey blogs on Cryptoscatology

Friday, September 23rd, 2016

“The most recent issue of New Dawn Magazine (No. 158, September/October 2016) includes Part One of my epic three-part series entitled “What’s At the End of Main Street?: The Struggle Between the Artificial and the Real in Recent Gnostic Cinema,” in which I analyze key examples of “Gnostic Cinema” (i.e., films that explore the illusory nature of reality within a fictional framework) ranging from Buster Keaton’s Sherlock Jr. in 1924 to Jennifer Kent’s The Babadook in 2014.”

Read the full post, and many more, here.

“Meet the Ph.D of Secret Shit” ROBERT GUFFEY reviewed by The Edge

Friday, June 24th, 2016

“Unaware at the time, Guffey was getting the perfect training for his next book – a true story of gang stalking, mass surveillance, and invisibility technology. Chameleo: A Strange But True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroine Addiction, And HomeLand Security, is a nonfiction narrative about Guffey and his friend Damien, whose name is Dion Fuller in the book.

The sequence of events that inspired Chameleo, begins on July 12, 2003. Guffey called his friend Damien, who was living at the time in Pacific Beach area of San Diego. He called him several times with no response, which Guffey says was unusual. A week later he finally hears back from him, with this bizarre story to share.”

To hear more, visit The Edge

ROBERT GUFFEY interviewed on The Higherside Chats

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Debuting today is the latest episode of the popular podcast THE HIGHERSIDE CHATS, in which host Greg Carlwood conducts a two-hour-long interview with Yours Truly regarding the High Weirdness documented in my book CHAMELEO: A STRANGE BUT TRUE STORY OF INVISIBLE SPIES, HEROIN ADDICTION AND HOMELAND SECURITY. This conversation encompasses such conspiratorial subjects as the San Bernardino mass shootings, the recent attacks on Brussels, the connections between Hollywood and the intelligence community, cutting edge cloaking technology, acoustic weaponry deployed against U.S. citizens, the psychological warfare uses of holographic landscapes, and epic food fights with the Feds.

To listen to the interview, visit The Higherside Chats.

On DisInfo, ROBERT GUFFEY details new findings on government surveillance tactics

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

To read the full article, visit DisInformation.

Seattle Book Mama reviews CHAMELEO

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Guffey’s story, which includes the Masons, the Illuminati (note the cover), and assorted other conspiratorial ingredients that would ordinarily cause me to stay completely fucking clear of this whacked out tale, follows Dion as far north as Minnesota, then oh dear God, to Seattle where Guffey was staying. But just as it seems it can’t get any more strange and stressful, the whole thing becomes hilarious! Your humble reviewer sat and laughed out loud about two-thirds of the way into the story, and the lighter tone that marks the book until near the end is what prevents the whole thing from degenerating into a bottomless abyss.

To read the rest of the review, visit Seattle Book Mama.

“The funniest — and in some ways the saddest — book of the year” Jonathon Sturgeon names CHAMELEO one of the top indie books of 2015 on Flavorwire

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

Is this book nonfiction, really? I don’t know. Either way, its truths are hard to ignore. A paranoiac tale of heroin addiction, the unrelenting intensity of needless state surveillance, and, ultimately, friendship, Chameleo might be the funniest — and in some ways the saddest — book of the year.

To view the rest of the list, visit Flavorwire.

Roy Christopher praises CHAMELEO

Friday, November 13th, 2015

Robert Guffey’s friend Dion has the continuity of his consciousness severely corrupted. Dion’s reality is already shaky at best, so Guffey sets out to document and investigate the odd goings on around Dion. Quoting Theodore Sturgeon, Guffey says, “Always ask the next question.” Chameleo turns on this very fulcrum: It is a series of next questions asked not necessarily until the questions are answered, but until all of the possibilities are exhausted.

To read the rest of the review, visit Roy Christopher’s blog.

ROBERT GUFFEY discusses CHAMELEO on Darkness Radio

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

To listen to the interview, visit Darkness Radio.

Listen to ROBERT GUFFEY read from CHAMELEO at Skylight Books

Monday, October 5th, 2015

To listen to the reading and conversation with Gerry Fialka, visit Skylight Books.

“A mindbending story, funny in places but ultimately very unsettling.” Coast to Coast AM’s George Knapp interviews the author of CHAMELEO

Thursday, September 24th, 2015

“Coast to Coast AM: Organisms, Interrogations, and Gang-stalking”

“We burrow way down deep through the rabbit hole, through the looking glass…dark stuff, creepy, disturbing…shines light on the people who really pull the levers of power. …After I read the book we’re going to be discussing tonight, I had to rethink my postions. Spies, and lies, and high-tech, where the stakes are huge, and no one can be trusted… It’s a mindbending story, funny in places but ultimately very unsettling.”

Listen to the full interview at Coast to Coast.

CHAMELEO excerpted on The Logger

Monday, June 29th, 2015

To read the excerpt, visit The Logger.

“An important glimpse into our future” Lobster Magazine reviews CHAMELEO

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Whether Dion was an experimental subject or merely one of the first people to experience the full range of the new technology which the US military have in store for dissidents in the near future isn’t clear. Either way this is an important glimpse into our future as ‘democratic’ states gear up for their coming task of defending our ‘freedom’ from threats – some real but mostly imaginary – within.

To read the rest of the review, visit Lobster Magazine.

“The weirdest & funniest book of 2015” CHAMELEO named one of Flavorwire‘s top books of nonfiction in 2015

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Guffey’s Chameleo, a paranoiac nonfiction techno-thriller and the story of a friendship, is by many miles the weirdest and funniest book of 2015. It tells the story of an oft-recovering heroin addict named Dion Fuller who is believed by the Department of Homeland Security to have stolen a pair of night vision goggles from a military base. From there it becomes a sui generis exploration of conspiracy as a form of art. — Jonathon Sturgeon

To view the rest of the list, visit Flavorwire.

ROBERT GUFFEY interviewed by Tessa Dick about CHAMELEO, government surveillance, mind control and more.

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

To listen to the interview, click here.

“Outlandish, funny and curious.” The Cryptosphere reviews CHAMELEO

Monday, May 11th, 2015

If it’s so easy to imagine deploying dozens of people and spending thousands of dollars surveilling a single drug addict and small-time drug dealer, what are they capable of doing on the scale of a nation?

To read the rest of the review, visit The Cryptosphere

Flavorwire praises CHAMELEO as “exuberant, resourceful, hilarious, dubious, and emotionally affecting,” runs an exclusive excerpt

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

In conjunction with an exclusive excerpt from Robert Guffey’s Chemeleo, literary editor Jonathon Sturgeon praises the book’s “manic energy”:

By turns exuberant, resourceful, hilarious, dubious, and emotionally affecting, Chameleo thrives on the contact high of the possible, much like the twin arts of paranoia and conspiracy, from which it takes its manic energy.

But the thing I love most about Chameleo is that it’s a story about a sustained American friendship. Also, it deals with invisible little people and shapeshifting rooms.

To read the full article, visit Flavorwire.

Tessa Dick praises CHAMELEO for the Examiner

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

All I can say is, “read the book.”

To read the full review, visit Examiner

ROBERT GUFFEY, author of CHAMELEO, interviewed by John Hawkins

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

JH: What influenced the structural choices you made in putting the book together?

RG: When I was 18, I discovered Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. And around that same time, I discovered a book called AIDS, Inc by Jon Rappoport, which is a very hard-hitting investigative journalism look into alternative theories regarding the origin of AIDS. Was AIDS from a government laboratory, etc. It examines all the theories. I remember thinking it would be fascinating if you could combine the serious investigative journalistic tone of AIDS, Inc with this kind of crazy Gonzo narrative thing, like in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and I think Chameleo is a culmination of that interest on my part.

JH: A lot of otherwise open-mined readers might be repelled by your background in conspiracy theories, and yet, in Chameleo that tenuous narrative trope seems to be supported by the raw events unfolding in a kind of hyper reality. How is Chameleo different from other conspiracy-centric narratives?

RG: When conspiracy theorists publish–or, more often than not, self-publish–books, they are frantically attempting to disseminate what they feel is important, life-or-death information. This is not my main concern. I’m coming from a literature background. I’ve been publishing short stories since I was 25. Writers like John Fante, Henry Miller, and Charles Bukowski wrote about the reality around them. I’m engaged in the same process. It just so happens that the reality we live in today is overbrimming with conspiracies. If Mark Twain were alive today, I’m certain he would be writing about conspiracies. He wouldn’t be able to avoid it. I see Chameleo, primarily, as a work of literature. If the book does succeed in disseminating valuable information, it’s simply a byproduct of my desire to write about reality as I see it.

To read the rest of the interview, visit John Hawkins’s blog

CHAMELEO reviewed by Jon Rappoport

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

Robert Guffey’s long awaited book, Chameleo, is in print. I received my copy a few days ago and sat down and started reading it. I couldn’t stop. At times I wanted to stop, but I had to press on. The twists and turns and grotesque happenings and, yes, the laughs wouldn’t let me get away.

To read the rest of the review, visit Jon Rappoport’s blog

CHAMELEO reviewed in Prague Post

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

Stuff happens, and there are spaces and places in the fissures of human consciousness where we don’t mean to go, but there we find ourselves: weird places; undine spaces of horror illuminated by mere hints of occult wisdom; what Freud called The Uncanny, where Thanatos and Eros mud-wrestle in the dark and our minds are the small stage on which they do their existential porn.

That’s how I felt reading Robert Guffey’s memoir Chameleo: A Strange But True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction and Homeland Security.

To read the rest of the review, visit Prague Post

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