Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘Hate Inc’

“Matt Taibbi’s must-read new book describes how the media stokes fake conflicts to prevent consideration of real issues.”—HATE INC. reviewed in Naked Capitalism

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Manufacturing Fear and Loathing, Maximizing Corporate Profits!

Matt Taibbi’s Hate Inc. is the most insightful and revelatory book about American politics to appear since the publication of Thomas Frank’s Listen, Liberal almost four full years ago, near the beginning of the last presidential election cycle.

While Frank’s topic was the abysmal failure of the Democratic Party to be democratic and Taibbi’s is the abysmal failure of our mainstream news corporations to report news, the prominent villains in both books are drawn from the same, or at least overlapping, elite social circles: from, that is, our virulently anti-populist liberal class, from our intellectually mediocre creative class, from our bubble-dwelling thinking class. In fact, I would strongly recommend that the reader spend some time with Frank’s What’s the Matter with Kansas? (2004) and Listen, Liberal! (2016) as he or she takes up Taibbi’s book. And to really do the book the justice it deserves, I would even more vehemently recommend that the reader immerse him- or herself in Taibbi’s favorite book and vade-mecum, Manufacturing Consent (which I found to be a grueling experience: a relentless cataloging of the official lies that hide the brutality of American foreign policy) and, in order to properly appreciate the brilliance of Taibbi’s chapter 7, “How the Media Stole from Pro Wrestling,” visit some locale in Flyover Country and see some pro wrestling in person (which I found to be unexpectedly uplifting — more on this soon enough).

Read the full review here.

Matt Taibbi discusses HATE INC. with Chip Franklin on KGO-AM

Friday, November 1st, 2019

October 31, 2019: The media, impeachment, and 2020 w/Matt Taibbi

Chip talks with Rolling Stone Contributing Editor and National Magazine Award winner Matt Taibbi his new book, Hate Inc. is available now.

Listen to the show here.

Matt Taibbi discusses HATE INC. with Kris Welch on KPFA’s Talkies

Friday, November 1st, 2019

Reins on Big Tech? Matt Taibbi!

European efforts to protect users from Big Tech could work here too. German activists share. PLUS: Rolling Stone writer/editor Matt Taibbi on impeachment, Russiagate, “the deep state”, and media. Hosted by Kris Welch.

Listen to the show here.

Matt Taibbi discusses HATE INC. with Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola on Unauthorized Disclosure

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

Interview With Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone Reporter And Author Of HATE INC.

For this week’s episode, Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola interviewed Matt Taibbi, a Rolling Stone reporter and author of the recently released book, Hate Inc: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another.

Taibbi is also a host of the new hit podcast from Rolling Stone called “Useful Idiots.” He co-hosts the show with Katie Halper, and it often has more listeners (per week) than “Pod Save America.”

He starts by describing some of his experience in journalism and what led him to write this insightful and enjoyable polemic about the media.

Taibbi agrees that cable news is terribly grating on our nerves, and he talks about why that’s the case. He also describes how the media sells us an identity.

Later in the show, we discuss what happens when media elites decide someone is or should be viewed as a pariah (like Tulsi Gabbard). We speculate on how Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren might do against President Donald Trump.

And Taibbi shares his opinion on the media’s lack of solidarity with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is the first journalist to be charged with violating the Espionage Act.

Listen to the show here.

“Who split America? A journalist looks to his own for answers.”–The Washington Post reviews Matt Taibbi’s HATE INC.

Friday, October 18th, 2019

In the drive for profits, Matt Taibbi says, reporters are taking sides and stoking hate.

There’s a scene in Evelyn Waugh’s “Scoop,” the irreverent 1938 sendup subtitled “A Novel About Journalists,” where hapless protagonist William Boot wonders why so many reporters file divergent accounts of the same events.

“But isn’t it very confusing if we all send different news,” he asks a veteran correspondent.

“It gives them a choice,” the colleague says of British editors. “They all have different policies so of course they have to give different news.”

I was reminded of “give different news” while reading Matt Taibbi’s “Hate Inc.,” which is also a book about journalists but with a much darker subtitle: “Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another.” Taibbi, a contributing editor for Rolling Stone, writes that “Scoop” is one of a handful of books he carries whenever he travels, and traces of its comic cynicism animate his prose. But where Waugh brilliantly satirized, Taibbi aims a cannon, blistering an American media industry he accuses of taking sides and manipulating the audience for profit — “different news” elevated to a business model.

Read the full review here.

“Commercial media has always been sensationalistic. We were never not encouraged to aim content at your outrage center. We were always eyeball-hunting.”–HATE INC. by Matt Taibbi excerpted in A Public Seminar

Tuesday, October 15th, 2019

An excerpt of Hate Inc. in A Public Seminar

Commercial media has always been sensationalistic. We were never not encouraged to aim content at your outrage center. We were always eyeball-hunting.

I know this because I was hired to do this work, over and over. My commercial niche, in fact, was the vitriolic essay that got people spitting mad, or poked fun at someone audiences hated.

I was the Triumph the Insult Comic Dog of journalism. I actually won the National Magazine Award for commentary, the highest award you can get in the magazine business, for a Rolling Stone article about Mike Huckabee called “My Favorite Nut Job” that called the Arkansas governor a “Christian goofball of the highest order” who resembled an “oversized Muppet.” There is and was great demand in the business for “takedown artists,” provided you’re taking down the right people.

Read the full excerpt here.

“In a smart and scathing freewheeling analysis, the Rolling Stone journalist analyzes political campaign coverage and other media powder kegs.”–The New York Times recommends Matt Taibbi’s HATE INC.

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

The New York Times features Matt Taibbi’s Hate Inc. in their new and noteworthy books column

HATE INC.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another, by Matt Taibbi. (OR Books, $24.95.) In a smart and scathing freewheeling analysis, the Rolling Stone journalist analyzes political campaign coverage and other media powder kegs.

Read the full column here.

Matt Taibbi goes on The Hill’s Rising to discuss HATE INC.

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Matt Taibbi: There is no such thing as unbiased media

Journalist Matt Taibbi describes his latest book and how it relates to the developing impeachment scandal.

Watch the full clip here.

“Like a con man who can lift a wallet in the middle of a melee, Trump thrived amid the chaos” —MATT TAIBBI, author of HATE INC. on Russiagate and Trump’s weaponizing of disarrayed media in Rolling Stone

Friday, April 5th, 2019

MATT TAIBBI discusses how inadequate and inappropriate media coverage lead to Trump’s election, a primary subject in his upcoming book Hate Inc.

If Trump insulted an innocent person like Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who is disabled, his goal wasn’t to try to win a popularity contest. He was after the thing that always came next: the endless “scornful rebukes” from press and celebrities. These rituals always went on just a bit too long, to the point where it was clear both Trump and the media were milking the incidents for publicity.

Trump would push right up until he caught the press having too much fun with something outrageous he’d done (the Washington Post running “Donald Trump’s ‘Schlonged’: A linguistic investigation” was an infamous example), at which point he’d declare victory and move on to the next outrage.

The subtext was always:I may be crude, but these people are phonies, pretending to be upset when they’re making money off my bullshit.

I thought this was all nuts and couldn’t believe it was happening in a real presidential campaign. But, a job is a job.

Read the full article here.

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