Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘Extraordinary Rendition’

EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION reviewed in Consequence Magazine

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

This is a book to be read slowly, deliberately. Though the writing is rich, varied, hard, and lyrical, some of it breathtaking, a treasure house of the sort you want to read out loud just to feel it in the mouth, the prose and poetry found here shape a portrait of the tragedy of two peoples, the Palestinians, whose lives, held so unimportant by the world, daily become more intolerable, and the Israelis, who, through their government’s monstrous policies, are responsible.

To read the rest of the review, visit Consequence Magazine.

Read “Ice Cream in Gaza,” an exclusive excerpt of EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION on Tin House

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

To read the full story, visit Tin House.

Center for Fiction launch of EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION featured on Mondoweiss

Friday, December 18th, 2015

At an earlier gathering, a few contributors to the book were photographed, and one said, “What is there to smile about–” in reference to the situation in Palestine. And Freeman reflected that in her own extensive travels, “some of the warmest, wittiest, most joyful people I’ve ever met I met in Palestine,” and they had told her: Don’t cry for us. “Go back and do whatever you can do.” This book, she said, “is that can-do for me.”

To watch videos of the event, visit Mondoweiss.

Middle East Monitor speaks with RU FREEMAN about EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015

Freeman does believe that it is a duty to write about those who have been deliberately silenced: “My goal is not to have a fight with every person who disagrees, but to gather the people who might feel differently and have them speak. I think that writers should speak because we expect this world to pay attention to the things we say so it might improve us to pay attention to the world also and to do for it what we can. I don’t by any means think this book is going to stop the demolishing of the Bedouin villages or the arrest of the children, but it is a way of changing a corner of the world where we have some power to change something and I believe it is the responsibility of every person to do that in whatever place they find themselves.”

To read the rest of the review, visit Middle East Monitor.

Two brilliant back-to-back reviews in Kirkus Reviews, one for EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION (appearing Sept. 21) and one for KILLER CARE (Sept. 22)

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

An anthology calling upon American writers to address the plight of the Palestinians. Editor Freeman notes in her introduction, “what can and cannot be done in America is a question that carries enormous hope on the part of people who do not live here.” ….A vibrant, high-spirited collection that will appeal to those on one side of this complex geopolitical conundrum.

To read the full review of Extraordinary Rendition, visit Kirkus Reviews.

A succinct, disturbing report on the prevalence of malpractice in modern medicine. Fortunately, Lieber doesn’t decorate his study with scare tactics or confusing jargon; his perspective is clearly that of an informed consumer concerned with the welfare of those seeking American medical care. …An imperative analysis that begs for discussion by industry watchdogs and consumers alike.

To read the full review of Killer Care, visit Kirkus Reviews.

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