Stephen (Steve) Duncombe
Stephen Duncombe is a lifelong activist and co-founder of the Center for Artistic Activism. Teaching and writing on the intersection of culture and politics, he has published eight books, most notably Art and Activism: Your All-Purpose Guide to Make the Impossible Possible (with Steve Lambert), Dream or Nightmare: Reimagining Politics in an Age of Fantasy, and the Cultural Resistance Reader.
The Activist Angler
Steve Duncombe
Elegantly written and charmingly illustrated, The Activist Angler shows how lessons learned from angling can guide political activism and vice versa. Patience, preparation and precision are needed to catch fish . . . and to build a movement.
The Art of Activism
Your All-Purpose Guide to Make the Impossible Possible
Steve Duncombe and Steve Lambert
The Art of Activism brings together the authors’ extensive practical knowledge—gleaned from over a decade’s experience training activists around the world—with theoretical insights from fields as far-ranging as cultural studies and cognitive science. From the United Farm Workers’ boycott movement in sixties’ California to a canal-side beach in present-day Saint Petersburg, these pages are packed with contemporary and historical case studies that have been shown to work in practice.
Dream or Nightmare
Reimagining Politics in an Age of Fantasy
Steve Duncombe
is a book of left wing strategy like no other: It proposes that, to compete with the right, progressives cannot depend on reason and hard fact. They must also deploy drama in the battle of ideas.