Along with so many others whose lives he touched, we at OR Books mourn the passing of our author, friend, and comrade Glen Ford. Ford was a brilliant journalist, a devoted mentor, an uncompromising truth-teller, and an intellectual giant in the movement for Black liberation. He will be sorely missed and never forgotten. ¡Glen Ford, Presente!
Glen Ford, who died in July 2021, was executive director of Black Agenda Report and was previously co-founder of He had extensive experience in radio and television, where he launched influential programming such as America’s Black Forum, the first nationally syndicated Black news interview program on commercial television, and Rap It Up. Ford was national political columnist for
Profiling along the way storied Black leaders such as Martin Luther King, Malcom X and James Brown (for whom Glen Ford once worked), The Black Agenda looks beyond American shores at US intervention in Libya, the Congo and the Middle East, showing how these are imbricated with racism at home. Ford concludes with a discussion of the Black Lives Matter movement, setting out both its pitfalls and potentialities. More |