Latest News: Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

“Suck It, Wall Street” — THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING author Matt Taibbi writes for TK News

Friday, January 29th, 2021

“In a blowout comedy for the ages, finance pirates take it up the clacker.”

Read the article here.

“I’m in the middle of Matt Taibbi’s book right now, HATE INC… It’s excellent.” — HATE INC recommended by Joe Rogan on the Joe Rogan Experience #1599 with Tulsi Gabbard

Friday, January 29th, 2021

“Trying Julian Assange w/ Marjorie Cohn and Ben Cohen” — WE ARE MILLIONS discussed on Bad Faith

Friday, January 29th, 2021

“Žižek is always up to the task” — PANDEMIC! 2 reviewed by OpEd News

Friday, January 29th, 2021

“Wonderfully scatological.”

Read the review here.

“Puppaganda: How Politicians Use Pets to Convince You of Their Humanity” — AMERICAN MONSTROSITY author Nathan J. Robinson writes for Current Affairs

Friday, January 29th, 2021

“Donald Trump does not have a pet, having called the idea of presidential pets ‘phony’ and rejected a goldendoodle offered to him by a Palm Beach philanthropist, even though his son Barron apparently adored it. (‘How would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?’ Trump commented.) He has even been accused of “hating dogs” because of his consistent use of ‘dog’ as a pejorative for his enemies, and the New York Times gave space to an op-ed criticizing Trump for not possessing a dog and begging him to show moral leadership by acquiring one. (‘Is it so wrong to think that Donald Trump’s character might have been changed — just the smallest bit — if there were a dog beneath his roof? … Mr. President, I want to believe that somewhere deep inside you, there is a good boy, still waiting to be born.’) .”

Read the article here.

“The GameStop Bubble Is a Lesson in the Absurdity and Uselessness of the Stock Market” — MY TURN author Doug Henwood writes for Jacobin

Friday, January 29th, 2021

“The online pranksters behind the great GameStop bubble of 2021 are probably going to lose a lot of money. But they’ve done the world a service by reminding us of the utter uselessness of the stock market, an institution that serves no purpose besides making a small number of undeserving people rich.”

Read the article here.

“I Want to Swallow All the Days Ahead at Once” — LOCKDOWN IN HELL WORLD excerpt published on The End of the World Review

Friday, January 29th, 2021

“In one disgusting gulp like I’m trying to hide evidence from the police or like I’m trying to smuggle the duration of the virus onto an airplane.”

Read the excerpt here.

“The Future According to Slavoj Žižek” — PANDEMIC! 2 author interviewed for How To Academy

Thursday, January 28th, 2021

“Dorfman and Mattelart on Disney and Imperialism” — HOW TO READ DONALD DUCK featured on Always Already

Thursday, January 28th, 2021

“In this episode, Emily, James, and John enter the Worrisome World-Making of Disney (™) via How to Read Donald Duck, a 1971 Chilean Marxist critique of the American imperial-capitalist project of Disney, republished in 2018. Our trio approaches the book in form and content, and they discuss its social opposition through state censorship — whether as literal book-burning under the Pinochet regime or the banal violence of copyright infringement litigation in the United States — as well as praise the clarity of its cultural studies analysis of the Donald Duck comic strip (1938-1995). The comic, let us remind you, depicted the bourgeois imaginaries of the ne’er-do-well Donald Duck; his miserly ol’ Uncle Scrooge McDuck; everyone’s pal Daisy; our favorite triplets Huey, Dewey, and Louis; and all the aspiring burghers of Duckburg…and the realms beyond.

Does the ‘fantasia’ and ‘magic of Disney’ truly serve to mystify the processes of primitive accumulation? Is Scrooge McDuck’s Monroe-Doctrine, Robber-baron aesthetic the farcical return of Hobbes’ Leviathan? What might the fetishization of gold teach children about the value of labor? Why are there only uncles and aunts in Duckburg? What happened to production, reproduction, labor, class, and social antagonism? What does Donald Duck make invisible, and what does it seek to make natural? Is Donald Trump Scrooge? Is the Marvel Cinematic Universe the bourgeois ideology machine of our time?”

Listen here.

“We are not out of the woods, by far.” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor Noam Chomsky interviewed for Truthout

Thursday, January 28th, 2021
Read the interview here.

“How biodiversity helps preserve local cultures” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor Vandana Shiva interviewed for the BBC

Thursday, January 28th, 2021

“She’s been called the ‘Gandhi of grain’, the ‘rock star’ of the anti-GMO movement and an ‘eco-warrior goddess’. For more than 40 years, the Indian physicist turned ecologist and food rights advocate Vandana Shiva has taken on big agriculture, arguing that we can end world hunger and help save the planet while also preserving the unique cultural and culinary traditions that make our world so wonderfully diverse.”

Read the interview here.

“After IS” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn writes for the London Review of Books

Thursday, January 28th, 2021
Read the article (with subscription) here.

“How Christian fundamentalists took over the Republican Party” — THE GOSPEL OF SELF featured in the Times Literary Supplement

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

“Religious broadcasting was advanced by Pat Robertson, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and its flagship programme, The 700 Club. The Gospel of the Self: How Jesus joined the GOP (2017) by Terry Heaton, Robertson’s long-time producer, is an insider account of the operation. An evangelical Christian himself, Heaton began his CBN career in the 1980s believing the show could bring “a breath of fresh air to a faith that had grown stale”. Instead, he writes, “We altered the balance of power in the GOP by bringing in millions of Christians who were able to look completely past the reality that Republicans represented the wealthy first. This was an amazing accomplishment, but one that has left our culture in a really bad situation, for fundamentalist Christians were a key element of Donald Trump’s election.” For years Heaton focused on the bottom line. “Money was pouring in, and that was a validation of my efforts.” But his inner conflict mounted, and he numbed it with alcohol. Leaving the network was a step in his recovery, and he calls the book “part of my amends”. ”

Read the article (with subscription) here.

In Cold Blood meets Hawaii Five-0” — SURF, SWEAT AND TEARS reviewed in the Scotsman

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

“In his biography of British surfer Ted Deerhurst, Andy Martin paints a heartbreaking portrait of a journeyman competitor who never quite made it, and creates a convincing narrative around his puzzling demise.”

Read the review here.

“Trust in Traditional Media Is at an All-Time Low. What Happened?” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Town Square with Ernie Manouse

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

“Why Trust in the Media Is at a Record Low” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Rising

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

“We Need a Fundamental Reset” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor Shoshana Zuboff interviewed for Time

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

“On Building an Internet That Lets Democracy Flourish”

Read the interview here.

“Prominent commentators from around the world weigh progressive possibilities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! featured on Climate & Capitalism’s Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

“Against a return to the normal and, indeed, the notion that there ever was such a thing, these conversations insist that urgent, systemic change is needed to tackle not only the pandemics arising from the human destruction of nature, but also the ceaseless debilitations of contemporary global capitalism.”

See the full list here.

“The left’s big beasts tackle a post-pandemic future” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! featured as the Observer Book of the Day

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

“Conversations featuring the likes of Noam Chomsky, Brian Eno and Slavoj Žižek imagine a more communal world after Covid.”

Read the review here.

UPCOMING PROGRAM: “BPL Presents: A Night of Ideas” featuring EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor Astra Taylor and IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE contributor Ai Weiwei — Jan 28, 2021 06:00 PM EST

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

More details here.

“The 10 Books That Got Us Through the Madness” — PANDEMIC! featured in Surface

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

“On March 24, Slavoj Žižek’s publisher announced that he had written Pandemic!: Covid-19 Shakes the World, a book about the coronavirus. In terms of timing, that’s roughly 100 days between the first Covid-19 outbreak and Žižek firing up the presses. It’s an impressive feat, even for the prolific philosopher-provocateur.”

See the full list here.

“There cannot be a book [from] 2020 that screams ‘I told you so!’ more loudly than this one” — THE MONSTER ENTERS reviewed in Peace News

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

“From the outset, Davis highlights what few governments and corporate media commentators dare admit: that COVID-19 and its various predecessors (including SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV), as well as the scores of influenza viruses that have plagued the globe over the past few decades, are the direct result of globalised capitalism.”

Read the full review here.

“The damage Trump has done to America will be hard to undo” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn writes for the Independent

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

“Two fervent Donald Trump supporters die and go to heaven. Soon after their arrival they meet God. ‘Please can you tell us,’ they ask him, ‘did President Trump really win the presidential election or did he lose it because of fraud?’

‘I can definitively tell you that Joe Biden won the presidency fairly by 306 to 232 votes in the electoral college and there was absolutely no fraud,’ responds the Almighty. The Trump supporters look at him suspiciously for a moment before one turns to the other and whispers: ‘I can see that the conspiracy goes even higher than we thought.'”

Read the full article here.

“Could COVID destroy capitalism?” — PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek interviewed on the Owen Jones Show

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

“Noam Chomsky on Where the Left Goes After Trump” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor in conversation with Ana Kasparian and Nando Vila for Jacobin

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

“Joe Biden must put an end to business as usual. Here’s where to start” — AN INHERITANCE FOR OUR TIMES contributor Bernie Sanders writes for the Guardian

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

“In this time of unprecedented crises, Congress and the Biden administration must respond through unprecedented action.”

Read the article here.

“The 10 best books we read [in 2020]” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS featured in ThePrint

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

5. The Sinking Middle Class by David R. Roediger

All recent American politicians campaign around the promise of working for the middle class. But historical data in this book demonstrates that the myth of the great American middle class has been carefully constructed and deployed.

See the full list here.

“Slavoj Zizek on What it Will Take to Stop the Pandemic” — PANDEMIC! 2 author in conversation with Ariella Thornhill and Nando Vila for Jacobin

Monday, January 18th, 2021

“Does the US Want Julian Assange Dead?” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor Yanis Varoufakis in conversation with Aaron Bastani for Novara Media

Monday, January 18th, 2021

“A Year in Hell with Luke O’Neil” — LOCKDOWN IN HELL WORLD author interviewed on Nostalgia Trap

Monday, January 18th, 2021

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