Latest News: Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

“How Auto Debt is Holding Millions of Americans In Custody — Sometimes Literally” — CARS AND JAILS featured in Streetsblog USA

Monday, July 24th, 2023

”For their groundbreaking and essential new book Cars and Jails, New York University professors Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross worked with a team of formerly incarcerated peer researchers to examine what they call “the continuum between auto ownership and incarceration” in the United States. The book, though, could just as easily be called “Cars, Jails, and Money” for how inextricable our criminal justice systems are with our systems of consumer debt, corporate profit, and mass surveillance — and how impossible it will be to unravel one without confronting the others.”

Read the full article here.

“How Jeremy Corbyn was toppled by the Israel lobby” — WEAPONISING ANTI-SEMITISM reviewed by Mondoweiss

Wednesday, July 12th, 2023

“Winstanley has written a political thriller and real page-turner titled Weaponizing Antisemitism: How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn. It is an important book.  

It has a lesson for those of us in the Palestinian solidarity movement working for social justice in the U.S. The Israel lobby lied, cynically manufacturing a fake crisis of antisemitism in the Labour Party where it didn’t exist, using fear to succeed. The lobby cannot be placated. They need to be called out and confronted. That is the main lesson of the book.”

Read the full article here.

“The Persecution of Jeremy Corbyn” — WEAPONISING ANTI-SEMITISM author Asa Winstanley featured on The Chris Hedges Report

Friday, July 7th, 2023

“The unholy alliance between Israel, the war industry, and the Corporatist raised the question of whether it is possible in Britain or the United States to reform the system from within… But the public truncheon that was used to bring [Jeremy] down was antisemitism. That’s what you do such a good job of chronicling in your book.”

Watch the full interview here.

“The United States of Conspiracy” — OPERATION MINDFUCK author Robert Guffey featured on WTF with Marc Maron

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Conspiracy scholar Robert Guffey joins Marc to talk about the origins of modern conspiracy theories. What is the Illuminati? Why is Freemasonry central to so many conspiracies? How do cultural icons like Rudyard Kipling, John Huston and Steven Spielberg factor into the spread of conspiracy thinking? And how did Qanon grab hold of the fevered conspiratorial mind?

Listen to the podcast here.

“Twitter rips into Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘pretentious’ poetry – except it’s actually by Shelley” — POETRY FOR THE MANY featured in The Guardian

Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

“What is striking about the response to Corbyn’s Shelley tweet is that it is not so much the lions that are rising in unvanquishable number on Elon Musk’s platform, but the unapologetic age of stupid. Many years ago, the late Trotskyist journalist Paul Foot wrote a fine book about the Etonian atheist poet’s revolutionary credentials entitled Red Shelley. You can see why Corbyn is attached to the verse, which echoes his own campaign line: “For the many, not the few”. But why would anyone assume he had written it?”

Read the full article here.

DISPATCHES FROM THE DIASPORA author Gary Younge awarded the Orwell Prize for Journalism 2023

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023

Read the full announcement here.

“Jeremy Corbyn and Len McCluskey to publish ‘accessible’ poetry collection” — POETRY FOR THE MANY featured in The Guardian

Thursday, June 15th, 2023

“A poetry collection edited by Jeremy Corbyn and Len McCluskey will be published in November, and will contain contributions from Russell Brand, Maxine Peake and Michael Rosen.

Poetry for the Many will feature the favourite poems of the former Labour leader and the trade unionist, along with their commentary. The pair’s picks range from Shakespeare, William Blake and Maya Angelou to the Mexican nun Juana Inés de la Cruz.”

Read the full article here.

“How cars fuel racial inequality” — CARS AND JAILS by Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross featured in Vox

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

“A lot of people we were interviewing were driving pretty fancy cars. We were stroking our chins, going: How did you afford that? It turned out that some of them were walking into dealerships and being told they couldn’t get financing for the Hondas they wanted, but could for a top-of-the-line Mercedes,” Ross says. “Why would a lender and dealer do that? Because they know they’re going to be able to repossess the car quickly.”

It wasn’t the only way formerly incarcerated people were targeted. For those who were Black, the heightened risk of being pulled over meant they were vulnerable to being reincarcerated for a minor traffic violation if an officer found out they had a prior felony conviction and were on parole. “Coming out of prison, when you get behind the wheel of a car, it puts you in the spotlight,” Ross says. While working with their formerly incarcerated peer researchers on the project, Ross noted, three of them were pulled over for minor traffic violations and ended up being incarcerated again.

Read the full article here.

“When will the US and Britain join the global call to end the war in Ukraine?” — WAR IN UKRAINE authors Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies featured in Morning Star

Monday, June 12th, 2023

“Now that the war has dragged on for over a year with no end in sight, other leaders have stepped forward to try to push both sides to the negotiating table. In an intriguing new development, Denmark, a Nato country, has stepped forward to offer to host peace talks. On May 22, just days after the G7 meeting, Danish Foreign Minister Lokke Rasmussen said that his country would be ready to host a peace summit in July if Russia and Ukraine agreed to talk.”

Read the full article here.

“One of the most consistent and compelling voices exposing the ‘Labour antisemitism’ scam” — WEAPONISING ANTI-SEMITISM by Asa Winstanley featured in Skwawkbox

Sunday, May 21st, 2023

“Journalist Asa Winstanley has been one of the most consistent and compelling voices exposing the ‘Labour antisemitism’ scam perpetrated against Jeremy Corbyn and the left to prevent a left-wing government – a weaponisation since confirmed even by the Starmer-commissioned Forde Report. In his new book, ‘Weaponising Anti-Semitism’, Winstanley provides a convincing history of the development of the smear before Corbyn was ever in the frame to lead the party – and the way it was used to help bring Corbyn’s leadership down after the left terrified the Establishment by coming close to winning the 2017 general election.”

Read the full article here.

“Essential reading on Israel-Palestine’s toughest questions” — MOMENT OF TRUTH, ed. by Jamie Stern-Weiner, featured in Jewish Voice for Labour

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

“In this compilation available from OR Books, Jamie Stern-Weiner has drawn together an incomparable selection of contributors to debate key questions concerning Israel-Palestine from the perspective of those committed to justice and national liberation.”

Read the full article here.

“Labour anti-Semitism smears exposed” — WEAPONISING ANTI-SEMITISM author Asa Winstanley featured on Not the Andrew Marr Show

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

Asa Winstanley on the Andrew Marr show

Asa Winstanley talks about his forthcoming book, publishing 30th May 2023.

Watch the full interview here.

“Direct action has a long and noble history” — THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE LITIGATED contributor Farhana Yamin featured in Financial Times

Saturday, April 22nd, 2023

“Of course, direct action is nothing new. Indeed it is a longstanding tool for bringing about social change. Apartheid, equal rights for women and basic health and safety laws were all won by decades of collective action taken by workers, women and people of colour. They combined protests and traditional political campaigning with an array of direct action techniques — including, in the last resort, recourse to hunger and general strikes.

Many of the steps taken by campaigners today draw on the past for inspiration. Emily Davison and dozens of suffragettes were forcibly fed in prison for going on hunger strikes before she tragically threw herself in front of the King’s horse at the Epsom Derby in 1913.”

Read the full article here.

“The Ciudad Juárez fire – and other circles of made-in-USA hell” — INSIDE SIGLO XXI author Belén Fernández featured in Al Jazeera

Sunday, April 16th, 2023

“On March 27, 40 men were killed in a fire at a migrant detention centre in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, Texas. The victims hailed from Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Venezuela.

Like so many thousands of refuge seekers from around the world, they had been jailed in Mexico for the crime of aspiring to a better life in the United States – which forces its southern neighbour to act as deputy gatekeeper and migrant antagonist.”

Read the full article here.

“CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin BLACKLISTED From MSNBC” — WAR IN UKRAINE author featured on The Jimmy Dore Show

Saturday, April 8th, 2023

For 50 years Medea Benjamin has been an activist, sticking her nose everywhere it’s not wanted — straight into the authoritarian, militaristic business of American empire. And where she was once welcome on that most “liberal” of cable news outlets, MSNBC, since becoming a thorn in the side of Democratic administrations as well as Republican, she’s no longer welcome to grace their airwaves.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss with Benjamin her initiation into the world of social justice and the many struggles she’s been a part of since.

Watch the full interview here.

“Israel’s violence is open terrorism — stop calling it ‘clashes’” — INSIDE SIGLO XXI author Belén Fernández featured in Al Jazeera

Friday, April 7th, 2023

“Worshippers in Al Aqsa attacked, Gaza bombed again. But the Western media still equates the neck and the guillotine.”

Read the full article here.

“Car Creditocracy” — CARS AND JAILS authors Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross interviewed by Public Books

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

“Rather than presenting the intersection of cars, jails, debt, and surveillance as a distinct movement that we must find the energy and time to add to our list, the book presents “mobility justice” as a site that connects movements and deepens our understanding of how power works across intersecting forms of extraction and oppression. Another part of the magic of this study—and what makes it a pleasure to read—is the way it balances its rigorous analysis with the human stories that connect the conceptual dots.”

Read the full article here.

“Peace Talk Canceled in Seattle—Twice” — WAR IN UKRAINE author Medea Benjamin featured in The Stranger

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

”Two recent cancellations of a book talk by anti-war activist Medea Benjamin raise questions about free speech in a time of war.”

Read the full article here.

“Telling the Story of Temperate Rainforest Giants” — CANOPY OF TITANS authors Paul Koberstein and Jessica Applegate appear on Terra Verde

Friday, March 31st, 2023

In this week’s episode of Terra Verde, host Gary Graham Hughes talks with Cascadia Times investigative journalists Paul Koberstein and Jessica Applegate about their new book, Canopy of Titans: The Life and Times of the Great North American Temperate Rainforest, which celebrates the beauty and complexity of these ecosystems and uncovers how climate policy mechanisms that favor extractive industry are contributing to the ongoing degradation of this amazing rainforest.

Listen to the full episode here.

“Road to Prison” — CARS AND JAILS authors Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross interviewed in MarketWatch

Thursday, March 30th, 2023

“In the American popular imagination, the car is a symbol of freedom. But in reality, for many, it can actually be a trap. 
That’s one takeaway of “Cars and Jails: Freedom Dreams, Debt and Carcerality,” a book by Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross, professors at New York University (OR Books, November, 2022). The two, who work in a research lab at NYU with formerly incarcerated students, trace the pathways that lead Americans from cars to jails and from jails to cars and back again.”

Read the full interview here.

“Telling a Complete Story of the Pandemic Must Start with Workers” — THE WORK OF LIVING by Maximillian Alvarez reviewed in Workday Magazine

Monday, March 27th, 2023

“As the third anniversary of the Covid-19 pandemic passes us by, the Biden administration is seeking to declare an end to the federal public health emergency, along with policies and benefits that provide protection and support for working people who kept the economy open and running during a planetary health crisis. In doing so, the president is leaving the states responsible for addressing gaps and protecting workers.”

Read the full review here.

“Chomsky and Me: an Interview With Bev Boisseau Stohl” — CHOMSKY AND ME author Bev Boisseau Stohl featured in CounterPunch

Friday, March 24th, 2023

“My motivation for writing this memoir was simple. I see the world through a writer’s lens, so within months of taking the job as Chomsky’s assistant I saw what was going on in our office, what kind of man he was, what types of people met with him or invited him to lecture. I noticed small quirks about his work style, and larger characteristics of his personality, his interaction with all kinds of visitors, talk organizers, colleagues, students, staff. I worried that the details of our daily lives might be lost, so I assigned myself to be note keeper, writing pages of essays and scribbling on sticky note pads.”

Read the full article here.

“The not-so-winding road from Iraq to Ukraine” — WAR IN UKRAINE authors Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies featured in Morning Star

Sunday, March 19th, 2023

The invasion of Iraq 20 years ago casts a long shadow over today’s neocon attempts to stir up World War III, write Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies.

“The US record easily matches, or arguably far outstrips, the illegality and brutality of Russia’s crimes in Ukraine.

Yet the US never faces economic sanctions from the global community. It has never been forced to pay war reparations to its victims. It supplies weapons to the aggressors instead of to the victims of aggression in Palestine, Yemen and elsewhere.”

Read the full article here.

“Finding Solidarity in a Mexican Immigration Detention Center” — INSIDE SIGLO XXI by Belén Fernández reviewed by Jacobin

Saturday, March 18th, 2023

“Fernández possesses considerable literary gifts, but this book probably won’t get much mainstream attention. Even as discussion of domestic racism and economic inequality has gone mainstream, even after decades of US war crimes all across the globe, anti-imperialist analysis remains muted, even stigmatized. But if an engaging narrator and lively prose could help change that, Fernández would be that narrator and Inside Siglo XXI would be that book.”

Read the full review here.

“The Road to Auto Debt” — CARS AND JAILS authors Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross featured in n+1

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

“FOR MANY AMERICANS, it is easier to acquire a new car than to find a rental apartment they can afford. But there is a high price, in sheer debt, to pay for getting that ride on the road. The average monthly loan payment for a new vehicle recently passed the $700 mark, a figure that does not include insurance and the steep costs of maintenance. Currently, Americans owe 1.52 trillion dollars in auto debt—a staggering sum that has doubled over the last decade, due in large part to the migration of subprime loans from the housing to the auto market.”

Read the full article here.

WAR IN UKRAINE by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies cited in INTERNATIONALIST 360°

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

“The background to the war has recently been well-summarized in Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies’ book, “War in Ukraine; Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict” and in Benjamin Abelow’s “How the West Brought War to Ukraine”.”

Read the full article here.

“Free Spirits” No More — CARS AND JAILS by Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross reviewed by Imaginations

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

“In CARS AND JAILS, New York-based professors of Social and Cultural Analysis Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross build on this theme, devastatingly undermining the mythology of automobiles as “freedom machines” and foregrounding the irony of tropes like the Buick “Free Spirit”. The book exposes the grim contrast between images of freedom and the reality of a society in which decaying or non-existent public transport creates auto-necessity that drags working people deeper into debt and, especially for people of colour, exposes them to the hazards of pretextual police traffic stops for “driving while Black”.”

Read the full review here.

“An alert and knowledgeable public would demand an end to the bloody war in Ukraine” — WAR IN UKRAINE authors Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies featured in Morning Star

Saturday, February 25th, 2023

On the anniversary of Russia’s illegal and brutal invasion of Ukraine, the media coverage of this war reaffirms the old adage that the first casualty of war is the truth. Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies argue that renewed peace talks, not escalatory arms shipments, are crucial to end the bloodshed.

Read the full article here.

“How US police got the deadly power to stop drivers at will” — CARS AND JAILS authors Julie Livingston and Andrew Ross featured in The Guardian

Friday, February 3rd, 2023

“Between 2017 and November 2022, 730 people were killed by police during these incidents. More than once a week during that time, someone not being pursued or investigated for a violent crime met their death after a traffic stop. An alarming number were stopped on the pretext of any one of a hundred or more petty traffic code violations.

How did police achieve the power, and impunity, to stop motorists seemingly at will?”

Read the full article here.

The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Medea Benjamin on her book “WAR IN UKRAINE: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict”

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Listen to the full podcast here.

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