Latest News: Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

“The Art of Consuming News” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed for the Now Age Press

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

“[Luke O’Neil] has captured this hopelessness and isolation better than any writer I’ve read this far in his new book.” — LOCKDOWN IN HELL WORLD author interviewed for Discourse Blog

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

“The writer tells us about making it through the pandemic and his new book.”

Read the interview here.

“One of the first philosophers to write about COVID-19… now has a new book of reflections about the events of the past year.” — PANDEMIC! 2 featured in the Lancet

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

“Thinking the pandemic.”

Read the article here.

“Joe Biden Can Cancel All Student Debt. He Just Won’t.” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor Astra Taylor interviewed for New York Magazine

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

“Student-loan debt is an enormous, damaging problem in the U.S. The data is staggering: 40 million people are in the hole for $1.6 trillion. Loans are so massive and incongruous with what college graduates actually make that repayment plans stretch into adulthood and beyond. Three million senior citizens are still paying them off. Student-loan debt follows people through life, making it hard for them to buy homes and cars and to start businesses. For people of color, it has helped contribute to the racial wealth gap by keeping families from holding on to their money. Joe Biden knows this. He campaigned on canceling “at least” $10,000 worth of debt for borrowers as soon as he got into office, and on canceling debt totally for borrowers at historic Black colleges and universities — but now that he is actually in the executive seat, Biden is dashing hopes that he will enact the policies that will truly fix the issue.”

Read the interview here.

“Critical Zones” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor Bruno Latour featured in Artforum

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

““Critical Zones: Observatories for Earthly Politics” is the title of the show that Bruno Latour, a dependable coiner of epistemological metaphors and neologisms, and Peter Weibel, acting as usual as the pandisciplinary authority on all fields and topics, organized for the ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany (the exhibition is their third collaboration at this venue), with staff curators Martin Guinard-Terrin and Bettina Korintenberg. “The best way” to map our beleaguered world is to “see it as a network of CRITICAL ZONES,” according to the exhibition materials. “Generated over eons of time by various life forms, these CRITICAL ZONES form a surface only a few kilometers thin.” The organizers connect their title to the claim that they are taking a fundamentally new approach to the thinkability of life on this planet.”

Read the article here.

“Smudging the Line Between Art and Activism” — Hanya Yanagihara recommends the work of CRUEL author Sue Coe in the New York Times Style Magazine

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

“In my own creative life, I prefer to come at things sideways, and yet it’s because of that approach that I find myself admiring people like LaToya Ruby Frazier. Frazier, 39, is a photographer, but really, her practice is as much about her medium as it is continuing in the tradition of her philosophical forebears — visual artists such as Rick Lowe, Joseph Beuys, Dorothea Lange, Faith Ringgold and Sue Coe; writers such as Larry Kramer, Upton Sinclair and Arundhati Roy — people who smudged the line between activism and art.”

Read the article here.

“Andrew Cuomo’s fall from grace” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed on Today, Explained

Friday, February 26th, 2021

“Covid-19: From a beach in Mexico, nomadic dreams of return” — CHECKPOINT ZIPOLITE author Belén Fernández writes for Middle East Eye

Friday, February 26th, 2021

“I was suddenly confined to a place whose very name, Zipolite, is rumoured to mean playa de la muerte, or ‘beach of death.'”

Read the article here.

FULL VIDEO: “Rediscovering Earth, Reclaiming Our Lives: Anders Dunker in Conversation with Kim Stanley Robinson” for the Democratic Socialists of America

Thursday, February 25th, 2021

“Red Valentine’s: Love & Revolution” — PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek and EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! editor Srećko Horvat in conversation for Progressive International

Thursday, February 25th, 2021

“Presents a convincing argument for abolition.” — ABOLISH ICE featured in VICE

Thursday, February 25th, 2021

“A Beginner’s Guide to Abolishing ICE,”

Read the article here.

“QAnon followers still think Trump will be inaugurated — on March 4. National Guard will be ready” — CHAMELEO author Robert Guffey interviewed for Salon

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

“It’s kind of like an evangelical cult waiting for the rapture,” said Robert Guffey, an author and lecturer at California State University, Long Beach, who tracks the movement. “It doesn’t happen so you’ve got to push the day back, and then it doesn’t happen again — push the day back.”

Read the article here.

“Donald Trump Acquittal, Going Forward” — LAWYERS FOR THE LEFT author Michael Steven Smith interviews Chris Hedges on Law & Disorder

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Guest – Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer prize winning journalist and considered by many on the left to be an American moral philosopher. He was forced out of his job at the New York Times for opposing the war in Iraq. Hedges is the author of many books including “American Facists: The Christian Right‘s War on America.“ He is the host of the RT show “On Contact”. His latest book is “America: the Farewell Tour.” He writes a weekly column for “Scheerpost” the latest is titled “Cancel Culture: Where Liberalism Goes to Die.””

Listen here.

“Cogent… [A] reality check.” — THE CENTER DID NOT HOLD reviewed in OpEdNews

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

“Biden: The Second Coming of Obama Nation.”

Read the review here.

“Letters of life from slow death row” — David Gilbert’s review of PEN PAL republished in the San Francisco Bay View

Friday, February 19th, 2021

David Gilbert is in Shawangunk Correctional Facility in his 41st year of a life sentence. Send our brother some love and light: David Gilbert, 83A6158, Shawangunk CF, P.O. Box 700, Wallkill, NY 12589.

Read the review here.

“Texas allowed its private utilities to operate without regulation, channeling profits to investors and CEOs instead of systems that could have saved Texans from the freezing cold of this week.” — PEOPLE’S POWER author Ashley Dawson writes for the Thought Project

Friday, February 19th, 2021
“Lessons from Climate/Energy Emergency in Texas”

Read the article here.

“How to think about Covid-19” — PANDEMIC! featured in the South China Morning Post

Friday, February 19th, 2021

“Zizek argues that there is no escape from ‘the strong state’ to fight pandemics and ecological disasters. For all its criticism and antagonism, the West may end up following China’s example in citizen surveillance and the elimination of privacy.”

Read the full article here.

“Biden Drags His Feet on Canceling Student Debt Despite Campaign Pledge” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor Astra Taylor interviewed on Democracy Now!

Friday, February 19th, 2021

“A pick’n’mix of intellectual stimulation, provocation and inquiry.” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! recommended by Matthew d’Ancona in Tortoise

Friday, February 19th, 2021

“There is no shortage of books plotting a path out of the pandemic, but what appeals about this collection of essays is its eclecticism, radicalism and readiness to think incautiously. With contributions from writers such as Noam Chomsky, Gael Garcia Bernal, Ece Temelkuran, Slavoj Zizek and Shoshana Zuboff, the anthology is a pick’n’mix of intellectual stimulation, provocation and inquiry – and all the better for it. ”

Read the full article here.

NEW VIDEO: “Bombholed: How the media uses the next bombshell story to push the last one down a memory-hole” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi for TK News

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

ICYMI: “The life and legal battles of Michael Ratner, from the Attica prison uprising to his representation of Julian Assange, his last client. ” — MOVING THE BAR author honored on Law and Disorder

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

“Dr. Vandana Shiva on India’s farmers protests” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor interviewed on Going Underground

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

“Slavoj Zizek feat. Rammstein: ‘We have to live till we die’ is the Covid-era inspiration we all need” — PANDEMIC! 2 author writes for RT

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

“One piece of wisdom the media bombards us with is that the Covid-19 pandemic taught us about our mortality and biological limitation: we should abandon our dreams about dominating nature and accept our modest place in it.

Is there a more sobering lesson than being humiliated and reduced to near-impotence by a virus, a primitive self-reproductive mechanism which some biologists don’t even count as a form of life? No wonder that calls for a new ethic of modesty and global solidarity abound.

But is this the true lesson to be learned here? What if the problem with living in the shadow of a pandemic is exactly the opposite: not death but life, a strange life that drags on, allowing us neither to live in peace nor to quickly die?

So, what should we do with our lives in this predicament?”

Read the full article here.

“The increasing immiseration of large swathes of middle-income America, only accelerated by the current pandemic, nails a fallacy that is a major obstacle to progressives.” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS author David Roediger in conversation for History Revealed

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

“How Spanish Can Help Us Survive Viral Times” — CAUTIVOS author Ariel Dorfman writes for Tom Dispatch

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

“A Journey into the Heart of a Language We Need Now More Than Ever”

Read the article here.

“The Inner Workings of Modern Drug Dealing” — THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING author Matt Taibbi interviewed for Merry Jane

Friday, February 12th, 2021

The Business Secrets of Drug Dealing by Matt Taibbi and Anonymous is a collaboration between one of the world’s best-known journalists and an unnamed former law-breaker to create a novel ‘inspired by truth’ that exposes the inner workings of the 21st Century street drug trade in the U.S.”

Read the interview here.

“The Death of Objectivity” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Braver Angels

Friday, February 12th, 2021

“Matt Taibbi wants a better media channel for a less polarized America” — HATE INC author interviewed on the Same Drugs

Friday, February 12th, 2021

“What does the mob do next?” — PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek interviewed on Politics JOE

Friday, February 12th, 2021

“First as a farce, then as a tragedy?” — PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek writes for ABC (Australia)

Friday, February 12th, 2021

“The way the pandemic affected Trump is ambiguous: Trump basically lost the election because of COVID-19, but his movement also gained strength from the way he reacted to the pandemic by denying its full impact.”

Read the article here.

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