Latest News: Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

“The Secrets and Rules Which Allowed [a] Drug Kingpin to Never Get Caught” — THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Going Underground

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

“The style comes across as authentically [Fernández’s] own, and the surplus of energy and expression is of a piece with the author’s mind and voice” — CHECKPOINT ZIPOLITE reviewed for 3 Quarks Daily

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

“An American who goes to great lengths to avoid ever setting foot in America, [Fernández] had arrived in Mexico on March 13 [2020] with the intention of setting off to yet another destination a few days later. Covid, of course, had other plans… Ironically enough, [CHECKPOINT ZIPOLITE] provides the reader with exactly the kind of brief vacation that Fernández had expected for herself.”

Read the review here.

UPCOMING EVENT: “No, It’s Not on the Syllabus: A Workshop on Decolonizing Syllabi” — DECOLONIZE HIPSTERS author Grégory Pierrot and DECOLONIZE THAT! series editor Bhakti Shringapure in conversation for the Material Culture Pedagogy Working Group on 03/19/21

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

Details here.

“Žižek in love” — PANDEMIC! 2 reviewed on Radio 3 Hong Kong Morning Brew

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

Listen here.

“There’s a brawl shaping up between two books about New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo” — THE PRINCE featured in the Washington Post‘s Book Club

Friday, March 12th, 2021


There’s a brawl shaping up between two books about New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The New York Times says sales of the governor’s memoir, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic,” have evaporated. In October, Crown reportedly printed about 450,000 copies of “American Crisis,” but by the end of February it had sold only about 46,000. With the governor battered by accusations of sexual harassment and claims that he suppressed data on nursing home deaths related to covid-19, few readers seem eager to hear Cuomo brag about his administrative prowess. Crown has “paused” marketing for “American Crisis” and has no plans for a paperback edition.

The indie publisher OR Books smells blood in the water. It’s rushing to release an exposé called “The Prince: Andrew Cuomo, Coronavirus, and the Fall of New York,” by journalist Ross Barkan. The marketing campaign places Cuomo’s memoir right beside Barkan’s book: “Not Available in Paperback” vs. “Soon Available in Paperback.”

OR publisher Colin Robinson tells me, “No response from Cuomo yet, but we will certainly be sending a copy to him.” This is just the kind of situation Robinson’s nimble firm is designed to exploit. OR promotes its books heavily online, sells directly to readers and prints on demand. The publisher has already taken “lots of pre-orders” and plans to get copies out the door in a few weeks. “It’s not just that we’re quick,” Robinson says. “We can also take chances that larger, more staid houses would shy away from, especially when it comes to aiming fire at powerful figures like Andrew Cuomo.”

The Machiavellian cover of “The Prince” gives a good indication of Robinson’s wry sensibilities. He notes with a certain glee that OR’s first book back in 2009 was a reply to Sarah Palin’s memoir “Going Rogue” called “Going Rouge.” The cover caused such confusion that Fox accidentally showed OR’s parody instead of Palin’s memoir during a story about the former Alaskan governor. “Bliss,” Robinson sighs.

Read the newsletter here.

“Bill McKibben on Rutgers Fossil Fuel Divestment & the Future of Climate Justice” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor interviewed on Democracy Now!

Friday, March 12th, 2021

“As essential now as it was when put together in late 2019” — IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE reviewed in the Prisma

Friday, March 12th, 2021

“[Assange’s] detention, it is stressed, is not about rape charges or his character. It is about releasing information that the US wanted to hide: the true extent of civilian casualties from drone attacks; the ignoring of torture at Abu Ghraib; US complicity with pro-Iraqi government death squads.”

Read the review here.

“A lucid and sane analysis of the present situation” — PANDEMIC! 2 reviewed in the Prisma

Friday, March 12th, 2021

“A salutary reminder that, like the ecological crisis and racism, the pandemic is bound up with the dynamics of world capitalism.”

Read the review here.

“Electric vehicles won’t fix the climate crisis” — PEOPLE’S POWER author Ashley Dawson interviewed for the Progressive

Friday, March 12th, 2021

“Ashley Dawson, a professor at the College of Staten Island and the Graduate Center at the City University of New York and a climate activist and writer who founded the CUNY Climate Action Lab, is critical of arguments in favor of market-led climate change strategy. What’s needed, Dawson says, is much stronger, deeper action.”

Read the article here.

UPCOMING EVENT: “Do We Need a Cultural New Deal?” — THE DEEP END author Jason Boog in conversation with Tess Taylor, David Kipen, Chiyuma Elliott, and Matthew-Lee Erlbach for Politics and Prose on 03/18/21

Friday, March 12th, 2021

“Panelists will discuss the legacy of the New Deal and their hopes for a New New Deal, with questions like: Can the literary and arts community muster a similar sense of solidarity in the 21st Century? What new forms might a cultural new deal take now? How could we create a more just and inclusive project for artists in the 21st century?”

Register here.

FULL VIDEO: “A presentation and discussion with David Roediger” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS author in discussion for the Marxist Education Project

Friday, March 12th, 2021


Watch the full video here.

“Pandemic reflections on a year of being still” — CHECKPOINT ZIPOLITE author Belén Fernández writes for Al Jazeera

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

“Last year, the pandemic put a stop to my itinerant life, perhaps for the better.”

Read the article here.

“Ross Barkan Talks Cuomo Scandals, COVID-19, and How the Governor Blocked Progressive Measures” — THE PRINCE author interviewed on NewsBeat

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

Watch the interview here.

“Mike Davis: ‘Beware the Light at the End of the Covid Tunnel’” — THE MONSTER ENTERS author interviewed on the Nation‘s Start Making Sense

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

“Astute political analysis for the type of person who appreciates both pop culture and Hegel” — PANDEMIC! and PANDEMIC! 2 reviewed in DigBoston

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

“[Examines] how the rolling, exhausting crisis of the last year has altered our material conditions and our collective psyches… An accessible and astute psychological analysis of the moment.

Read the review here.

“Slavoj Žižek Sounds Off on Big Tech, Sex Dolls, and Leonardo DiCaprio” — PANDEMIC! 2 author interviewed for Interview Magazine

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

“The greatest philosopher of the New Left. The Elvis of cultural theory. The most dangerous thinker in the West. Throughout his career, Slavoj Žižek has been many things to many people, but there’s one that’s incontestable: He’s a workhorse. While the pandemic has kept the 71-year-old Slovenian provocateur holed up in his Ljubljana home, it has sent his mind racing. This March, he’ll publish Pandemic! 2: Chronicles of a Time Lost, the sequel to last year’s Pandemic!: COVID-19 Shakes the World, where, in typical fashion, he pours gasoline on a world already ablaze. Here, he takes on 13 topics chosen for him at semi-random.”

Read the interview here.

“Cuomo’s Scandals” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed for Jacobin

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021

“Andrew Cuomo was never a hero. Karma is coming for him, with a vengeance.” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan writes for the Guardian

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021

“The media puffed up Cuomo as a pandemic savior and anti-Trump. Now he’s accused of sexual harassment and concealing nursing home deaths.”

Read the article here.

“My Year of Sedentary Existence” — CHECKPOINT ZIPOLITE excerpt published in Jacobin

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021

“When the coronavirus pandemic took off in Mexico in March 2020, Belén Fernández found herself stuck in the Oaxacan coastal village of Zipolite — a curious predicament for someone who had spent the past seventeen years in a state of manic itinerancy, dashing between countries and pursuing parallel lives in disparate geographies. A coronavirus checkpoint materialized directly in front of her apartment to regulate access and departures from the village, and she was issued an ID authorizing her to travel once a week to a larger town for groceries. Thus began a sudden psychological confrontation with the idea of sedentary existence. The following is an excerpt from her new book, Checkpoint Zipolite: Quarantine in a Small Place.”

Read the excerpt here.

“David Graeber: After the Pandemic, We Can’t Go Back to Sleep” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor featured in Jacobin

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021

“In an essay penned shortly before his death, David Graeber argued that post-pandemic, we can’t slip back into a reality where the way our society is organized — to serve every whim of a small handful of rich people while debasing and degrading the vast majority of us — is seen as sensible or reasonable.”

Read the article here.

“Women Who Build the Future: Vandana Shiva” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor interviewed for Pressenza

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021

“Building our Climate Futures Through Storytelling” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor Kim Stanley Robinson interviewed for Warm Regards

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021

Warm Regards Podcast · Building our Climate Futures Through Storytelling (Part 1), w/Eric Holthaus + Kim Stanley Robinson

“Silent Cuomo Mired in Twin Scandals” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan writes for the Village Voice

Friday, March 5th, 2021

“You can’t make three enemies a week for 10 years and hope to survive. People who were close to him are like, ‘Andrew Cuomo, who’s that?’”

Read the article here.

“Ross Barkan on the Zero Sum Game That Democrats Don’t Know They’re Playin‪g” — THE PRINCE author interviewed on Trickle-Down Socialism

Friday, March 5th, 2021

“Letters of life from slow death row” — David Gilbert’s review of PEN PAL republished by the Anarchist Black Cross Federation

Friday, March 5th, 2021

“Tiyo Attallah Salah-El was an activist, scholar and humanitarian, working hard from behind bars to expose the ugly realities of life in prison. Through his correspondence with historian and activist Howard Zinn, Tiyo met the Hollywood agent Paul Alan Smith, with whom he began a 14-year correspondence memorialized in “Pen Pal.””

Read the review here.

“Dreaming of Bowie” — BOWIE by Simon Critchley featured in Atwood Magazine

Friday, March 5th, 2021

“David Bowie’s career spanned more than fifty years in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and his impact on music and culture is indelible and poignantly unparalleled. Bowie continually created new and liberating ideas on the self in moving away from common perceptions of how life was constructed to be lived in society, while empowering the force and vivacity of the imagination as to how one could exist in the world.”

Read the article here.

“Cuomo Was Always New York’s Bad Guy. Here’s Why He Was Finally Exposed.” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan writes for the Daily Beast

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

“The governor was anointed as the anti-Trump and happily, greedily played the part as facts were ignored, dismissed, even hidden. Mass death meant mass fame.”

Read the article here.

“Andrew Cuomo Is Finished” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan writes on Substack

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

“He may not resign. But his era of dominance is over.”

Read the article here.

“Andrew Cuomo is Finished (Or is He?)” — THE PRINCE featured on StreetsBlog

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

“[Andrew Cuomo’s] political oligarchy effectively ended when he faced reality and realized he could not have a political crony ‘investigate’ the charges that he sexually harassed two young staffers.

At least, that’s Ross Barkan’s take — and he’s had a string of on-point takes recently. Plus, he has a book coming out about Cuomo’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis that includes the governor’s initial February scandal over nursing home deaths.”

Read the article here.

“Andrew Cuomo’s narrative whiplash” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan featured in the Columbia Journalism Review

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

As Ross Barkan wrote for CJR last March, Cuomo initially downplayed the threat of the virus and U-turned on a shelter-in-place order for New York City, yet he faced “relatively few” tough questions about his preparedness. “Why is New York City the next Northern Italy?” Barkan asked. “These are the kinds of questions that will take more than a PowerPoint slide to answer.”

Read the article here.

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