Latest News: Archive for the ‘interview’ Category

What Trump University Was Really Like – STEPHEN GILPIN in Business Insider

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

Stephen Gilpin, former Trump University professor and author of “Trump U: The Inside Story of Trump University,” explains what it was like to work at the for-profit real estate training program before it went defunct amidst class action lawsuits and allegations of fraud.

Watch the full video here.

MEDEA BENJAMIN author of INSIDE IRAN on Mike Pompeo’s regime change agenda at The Real News

Monday, April 16th, 2018

SHARMINI PERIES: It’s the Real News Network. I’m Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore. Senate confirmation hearings for Mike Pompeo as President Trump’s nominee for secretary of state took place on Thursday. Pompeo would be Trump’s second secretary of state, following Rex Tillerson’s sacking last month. When Pompeo entered the room for his hearing he was greeted by shouting protesters from Code Pink. The hearing went on to cover major hotspots around the world as well as Pompeo’s views on the Robert Mueller investigation and how he would manage the State Department. Here’s a clip from an exchange on the Iran nuclear deal./blockquote>

Watch the full interview here.

“A marketing research program on steroids” MARA EINSTEIN author of BLACK OPS ADVERTISING on Facebook at CBC Business News

Monday, April 16th, 2018

Watch the full interviewhere.

STEPHEN GILPIN author of TRUMP U. gives the inside story on Donald Trump’s University at the Majority Report

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018

Listen to the full interview here.

RAYMOND BONNER author of WEAKNESS AND DECEIT discusses the U.S. origins of the MS-18 gang on News Beat

Monday, April 9th, 2018

The United States under President Donald Trump is fully committed to an all-out assault on immigrants. Much of Trump’s ire is directed at MS-13, the transnational gang known primarily for its brutal slayings. But what’s often lost in the discussion is the fact that the United States inadvertently helped create MS-13 after providing millions to El Savador’s oppressive right-wing regime during its civil war in the ’80s. A refugee crisis ensued, causing thousands of young Salvadorans to flee to America. Many were penniless and found themselves hanging out in the streets of Los Angeles, where the gang was born.

listen to the full interview here.

Read an interview with SARAH HARRISON co-author of WOMEN, WHISTLEBLOWING, WIKILEAKS at Refinery29

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Plenty of women are whistleblowers, and plenty more work for the organisations that aid them. So why do we rarely hear about these women? And who are they?

In 2010, British journalist Sarah Harrison, then in her mid-20s, began working for WikiLeaks, the website created by Julian Assange to help expose large-scale injustices and cover-ups. It was the year that the site received and published some of its most explosive information to date; the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diary and Cablegate were a collection of classified documents that were leaked out of the American military by Chelsea Manning, including a video showing the killing of civilians in a 2007 Baghdad airstrike.

Read the full interview here.


Monday, April 2nd, 2018

The interview with Liza begins after 21:00 here.

André Spicer in conversation about DESPERATELY SEEKING SELF-IMPROVEMENT with the Catskill Review of Books

Monday, March 26th, 2018

Listen to the full interview here.

Alex Nunns, author of THE CANDIDATE discusses the improbable rise of the Corbyn movement at the A Up Let’s Talk podcast

Monday, March 19th, 2018

This week JJ was joined by award winning author Alex Nunns to talk about his book The Candidate: JEREMY CORBYN’S IMPROBABLE PATH TO POWER. We also discuss a range of issues including the Labour Party (pre Corbyn) and the events that made it possible for him to run for Labour leader. We also discuss the infamous coup, media bias & the general election.

Listen to the full interview here.

Stephen Gilpin on the inside story of TRUMP U. at Money Matters Radio

Monday, March 19th, 2018

While the President of the United States seems to be able to shock with each new tweet, and no depth seems too low for him to sink to, we’ve yet to hear from someone who was at the heart of one of his signature outrages–Trump University, the infamous and elaborate scheme to con hundreds of earnest citizens out of their hard-earned dollars. Until now.

Listen to the complete interview here.

ALEX NUNNS author of THE CANDIDATE discusses the lows and highs of the Corbyn movement at Reel Politik

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

Listen to Alex Nunns on the pivotal moments in Corbyn’s leadership, from the campaign that rocketed him to the head of his party on a tide of anti-austerity anger and socialist hope back in 2015, to his miraculous rescue of a political project that only a year ago seemed helplessly on the brink of ruin.

Listen to the conversation here.

ALEX NUNNS author of THE CANDIDATE on the media’s treatment of Jeremy Corbyn at Media Democracy

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

Listen to Alex Nunns chatting with the hosts of Media Democracy about the media’s treatment of Jeremy Corbyn and the Corbyn movements use of social media to circumvent traditional media channels.

Listen to the conversation here.

OR co-founder John Oakes is interviewed by O’Reilly during TOC 2011

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

OR co-founder Colin Robinson talks to GalleyCat about handselling books online

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Today’s guest on Mediabistro’s Morning Media Menu was Colin Robinson, co-founder of the new publisher, OR Books. The company focuses on a stripped-down distribution model with the unofficial motto, “No book printed until it’s sold.”

Listen to the interview on GalleyCat.

Chris Lehmann chats with Bookforum about RICH PEOPLE THINGS.

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Chris Lehmann is a conspicuously over-employed editor and cultural critic. He’s a co-editor of Bookforum, a deputy editor for the Yahoo news blog The Upshot, a columnist for the Awl, a contributing editor for The Baffler, and a guitarist and singer for the band The Charm Offensive. He’s also just penned a book, Rich People Things, which will be published this fall by OR books. We recently caught up with Mr. Lehmann via email to discuss the how his blog column became a book, why he considers himself an economic populist, and what we talk about when we talk about class in America.


Chris Lehmann talks about RICH PEOPLE THINGS on Mediaite

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Last week Chris Lehmann, Bookforum editor and Managing Editor of Yahoo’s News Blog, announced the launch of his new book, Rich People Things. The book was born out of his long-running column of the same name for The Awl, the popular blog run by former Gawker editors Alex Balk and Choire Sicha, which posts highbrow commentary and sometimes bear videos.

In February, Lehmann secured a book deal based on the columns, which examine the institutions of modern capitalism and a provide “glimpse into how the top one percent maintains an iron grip on almost half of America’s financial wealth.” Last week, Rich People Things became available for preorder, with the release date for preorders slated for September 15. Fans of Lehmann’s column have already been clamoring to order the book — if Lehmann’s columns are any indication, the book promises to be full of his signature mix of biting satire and sharp prose.

This week, I spoke to Lehmann about the book, the column, and the events that led him to write about so-called “Rich People Things” — and Lehmann also provided an excerpt of a chapter for Mediaite readers.


Moustafa Baymoui and Max Blumenthal discuss MIDNIGHT ON THE MAVI MARMARA during a press breifing on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Listen to the whole briefing on Blog Talk Radio.

Listen to internet radio with IMEU on Blog Talk Radio

Gordon Lish Interviewed by BOMBLOG.

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

Gordon Lish has loomed large in the background of the American short story for nearly half a century, and his recent Collected Fictions re-affirms his influence on the form. B.C. Edwards spoke with Lish about revision, reduction and the silence that precedes reading.

Read more on BOMBLOG.

Moustafa Bayoumi Interviewed by The Chronicle of Higher Education

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Read the interview with Moustafa Bayoumi, author of Midnight on the Mavi Marama, in The Chronicle.

Next month, OR books will publish Midnight on the Mavi Marmara, a collection of essays about Israel’s recent raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla. The book will be edited by Moustafa Bayoumi, an associate professor of English at the City University of New York’s Brooklyn College. Bayoumi is the author of How Does it Feel to be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America (Penguin Press, 2008).

I caught up with Bayoumi, who is currently in Seoul, and he answered my questions by e-mail.

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