Carmen Boullosa has published fifteen novels, most recently Tejas, La virgen y el violín, El complot de los románticos and Las paredes hablan. Her novels in English translation are Texas: The Great Theft; They’re Cows, We’re Pigs; Leaving Tabasco and Cleopatra Dismounts. She has received the Xavier Villaurrutia Prize in Mexico, the Anna Seghers and Liberaturpreis in Germany, and the Café Gijón Prize in Madrid. She is a member of Mexico’s Sistema Nacional de Creadores.
How the United States and Mexico Jointly Created the “Mexican Drug War”
Peace in the “War Against Drugs” requires a radical rethinking of how America, and its neighbors, approach the illegal drug trade. A Narco History is an account of the economic disaster, mass migration of families fleeing violence, and chaos that has ensued as direct results of policy promulgated by the U.S. Government. More |