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“A half-century after it fed the Pinochet regime’s bonfire of heretical books, a celebrated ‘handbook of decolonization’ has new relevance” — HOW TO READ DONALD DUCK author Ariel Dorfman writes for The Nation

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

“I can only hope that How to Read Donald Duck—drowned and burned, seized and left for dead a thousand times—will itself be reborn as well in the streets of the prophetic cities of the Chile where it first saw the light five decades ago.”

Read the full article here.


“The life of a successful coast-to-coast black drug dealer in Donald Trump’s America” — Matt Taibbi interviewed about THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING on On Contact

Sunday, November 21st, 2021

“Confronted by a stark choice between the dreadful past and a still-to-be-charted future — what will Chile decide?” — THE COMPENSATION BUREAU author Ariel Dorfman writes for the Los Angeles Times

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

“I can only hope that my country of origin offers the world a lesson in how to conquer the phantoms of fear, finding the courage, when our hard-earned democracy is in peril, to build a better and more just social order, rather than retreat to the shadows of authoritarianism.”

Read the full article here.


“Very entertaining… The points these stories make hold true today as much as they did [ten years ago]” — WELCOME TO THE GREENHOUSE reviewed in SFcrowsnest

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

Welcome To The Greenhouse is an anthology edited by Gordon Van Gelder. He asked 16 writers ‘who speculate about the future to consider the subject of climate change’ back in 2011… The points these stories make hold true today as much as they did then, which in itself says something about the global progress on climate change.”

Read the full review here.

“No one is going to protect workers but workers themselves” — ALWAYS RED excerpt published in Tribune

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

“Trade unions should always be embedded in our communities because we remain a vital part of society. As long as bosses can make more money by paying their employees less, or by sacking easily and then hiring cheaply, or by cutting corners on safety, then trade unions will need to exist. No one has come up with a better method of levelling the playing field at work. The obstacles facing us today may seem formidable, but they are far less imposing than those overcome by the first workers to band together more than two centuries ago. Our forerunners had to fight and sometimes die for the right to form unions. They did so because no one is going to protect workers but workers themselves. I believe the ‘fighting back’ culture of Unite is true to that history, and I hope it will stand as an example for the trade unionism of the future.”

Read the full excerpt here.

“An outspoken writer when it comes to the defense of human rights” — THE COMPENSATION BUREAU author Ariel Dorfman interviewed on On The Margin

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Listen to the full interview here.



“War, News and Chaos in the Middle East” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn interviewed on On Contact

Saturday, October 30th, 2021

“Reissued – And Relevant as Ever” — RELUCTANT REFORMERS reviewed by Organizing Upgrade

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

“Robert L. Allen and Chude Pamela Allen wrote the book on the destructive and corrupting impact of racist ideology on U.S. social movements. Their recently re-issued Reluctant Reformers remains as timely now as when it was first published 47 years ago. The book takes readers through a sweeping survey of major U.S. social movements – beginning with abolition and marching through the Populist, Progressive, women’s suffrage, labor, socialist and communist movements. An epilogue added in 1983 looks at the burst of radical activism that flourished in the long sixties. In each case, Reluctant Reformers details the ways that racist ideology shaped and ultimately corrupted white-dominated collective efforts at social reform.”

Read the full review here.

“Fascinating on many levels… A surreal apocalypse fantasy” — Ariel Dorfman interviewed about THE COMPENSATION BUREAU on HARDtalk

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

Watch the full interview here.

“On The Coming Apocalypse” — THE COMPENSATION BUREAU author Ariel Dorfman interviewed on Letters and Politics

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

“A brilliant sketch of a fantastical parable” — Ariel Dorfman’s THE COMPENSATION BUREAU reviewed by PopMatters

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

“A firsthand witness to the 1973 execution of the Chilean vision to a kinder world, Dorfman has pondered the nature of human brutality and the nature of true justice throughout a long and distinguished career. The country’s victims and victimizers coexisted in the country (and sometimes even within the same person), and this tension has lessons with relevance far beyond its borders.

Dorfman has been instrumental in demonstrating the universality of Chile’s plight… Bearing witness for decades has undoubtedly led to some compassionate fatigue along the way. By taking a step out of this world, Dorfman finds new reasons for hope. The Compensation Bureau is an abstract, late-career addition to a notable body of work.”

Read the full review here.

“An intriguing exploration of our species on the brink” — Ariel Dorfman’s THE COMPENSATION BUREAU reviewed by Morning Star

Monday, October 18th, 2021

As world crises accumulate daily and mankind’s political leaders appear incapable of understanding let alone acting to work together for species survival, The Compensation Bureau reads as anything but a fanciful entertainment.”

Read the full review here.

“American Machiavellian: The Rise and Fall of Andrew Cuomo” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed by Current Affairs

Friday, October 15th, 2021

“Ross Barkan, author of The Prince: Andrew Cuomo, Coronavirus, and the Fall of New York, joins Nathan to discuss the career of the infamous ex-New York governor… Ross’ book is an important document of the lies and manipulation of one of our time’s shadiest state leaders. It offers an important case study in how centrists govern and the kind of politics we need to overthrow. ”

Listen to the full interview here.

“Chile is Taking the Final Steps of Dismantling Dictatorship” — THE COMPENSATION BUREAU author Ariel Dorfman writes for CounterPunch

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

“It is the mobilization today of young people… from Hong-Kong to Belarus and Nicaragua, from Iran and Sudan to Honduras and Colombia, that give us hope that the world can be a better place. This is particularly so in Chile… because today, inside the building in Santiago that once housed the Chilean Congress, a Constitutional Convention has assembled, with the express purpose of writing a new Constitution that will replace the one that Pinochet fraudulently pushed through in 1980…

The Convention is discussing how to inscribe in the new Magna Carta a series of rights, all of them so central to the struggles in Chile, in the United States, in the whole world: water and ecological rights, LGBTQ rights, health care and education and pensions that are meant to lift the majority and not enrich a small group of profiteers, the establishment of a pluri-national, multilingual republic, the end to police brutality, especially against the young, because it is always the young who get beaten and always the young who rise and rebel.”

Read the full article here.

“Seven books for understanding and changing the world” — BETWEEN CATASTROPHE AND REVOLUTION recommended by Climate and Capitalism

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

“For decades, Mike Davis has been the very model of an activist-scholar — a powerful chronicler, historian and analyst of catastrophe and revolution, of the complex dialectic between nature and society. The contributors to this volume build on and extend his work, refusing outdated political models and rejecting narratives of resignation.”

Read the full review here.

“Michael Ratner’s Decades-Long Battle to Close Guantánamo” — MOVING THE BAR featured on Democracy Now!

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

“[A] riddle to be deciphered in myriad ways” — Ariel Dorfman’s CAUTIVOS reviewed by The New York Review of Books

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

“Notions of authorship, creator, and creatures, as well as of love, folly, and imagination, dominate Rushdie’s and Dorfman’s pages as they did Cervantes’s… Dorfman’s account is more or less faithful to what is known of Cervantes’s life, but the trick of a new narrator for an old story—Pat Barker’s retelling of the Iliad by Briseis in The Silence of the Girls is a magnificent example—lets us imagine the author and his creation in new ways. Dorfman incarnates Quixote out of Cervantes’s idealization of love, betrayals by government agents, and incarceration in the dungeons of Seville.”

Read the full review here.

“The legacy of corporate Democrats” — THE CENTER DID NOT HOLD author Robert Eisenberg interviewed by Chris Hedges on On Contact

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

“An incisive political memoir with lessons for the whole left” — ALWAYS RED reviewed by Morning Star

Tuesday, September 28th, 2021

“In Labour, the left is taking a battering from a vengeful right. But we have recent evidence that things can be very, very different. Always Red is a salutary reminder of that — a fascinating, funny, moving read, but above all an authoritative argument for the capacity of the labour movement to change the world.”

Read the full review here.

“Michael Ratner spent his life fighting tirelessly for the poor and the oppressed” — MOVING THE BAR featured in JURIST

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021

“Indeed, Ratner was a long-time opponent of illegal US wars… He sued Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Rumsfeld, the FBI and the Pentagon for their violations of law. He challenged US policy in Cuba, Iraq, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Puerto Rico and Israel/Palestine. Ratner was lead counsel for whistleblower Julian Assange, who is facing 175 years in prison for exposing US war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo.”

Read the full article here.

“Much more than a muse: biography shows us the Maud Gonne we didn’t learn about at school” — THE FASCINATION OF WHAT’S DIFFICULT reviewed by Irish Independent

Monday, September 20th, 2021

“In this biography, the American author Kim Bendheim explores amazing facets of a woman who was far more than a poet’s muse… Bendheim shows how Maud was a complex figure and details the lesser-known facts about her life. This is a great read and strongly recommended.

Read the full review here.

“The autobiography of a very interesting, pivotal figure” — Len McCluskey interviewed about ALWAYS RED on Newscast

Monday, September 20th, 2021
Listen to the full interview here.

“Fascinating… A good story about the way that trade unionism can drastically change people’s lives” — ALWAYS RED reviewed by The Guardian

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Always Red is a good story about the way that trade unionism can drastically change people’s lives. [Len] McCluskey was brought up in the Kirkdale area of Liverpool in a house with an outside toilet, by a mother and father who had lost a child to tuberculosis. He slept in his parents’ bedroom until he was 10, and left education at 18 to work on Liverpool’s docks as a planman, drawing up all-important diagrams of ships and their cargo. The book’s best section evokes the dazzling world in which he found himself, and the constant sense that without the unions’ collective vigilance, many of the pillars of working-class life would come crashing down – something that began in earnest with the arrival in power of Margaret Thatcher.”

Read the full review here.

“A tour de force, a book that informs everyday lives in whole new ways” — Slavoj Žižek interviewed about HEAVEN IN DISORDER on Going Underground

Monday, September 20th, 2021

“Movingly exemplifies the principles that guided his life and career as a radical lawyer” — Michael Ratner’s MOVING THE BAR featured in LA Progressive

Monday, September 20th, 2021

“Michael’s passionate opposition to imperialist U.S. wars goes back to Vietnam. In the 1980s he attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to challenge U.S. wars against the revolutionary governments of El Salvador and Nicaragua. In 2008, Michael made clear his and the Center for Constitutional Rights’ opposition to war: ‘We have been involved in cases regarding the roundups, warrantless wiretapping and torture. We are firmly against the war in Iraq, and [opposed] the war against Iraq three months before it started. It is a made-up war, an illegal war. We are anxious to [litigate] the Blackwater case because it will deal with the war. The war is hard to get at legally.’ For this reason he attacked it from as many angles as possible, while always insisting on the outrageousness of wars.”

Read the full article here.

“What to expect from the Labour conference” — Len McCluskey’s ALWAYS RED featured in Left Foot Forward

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Former Unite leader and fervent critic of Starmer, Len McCluskey, claims that the leader ‘reneged’ on his commitment to restore the whip to his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn. Furthermore, in a visceral excerpt from his new book Always Red, McCluskey comments on how Starmer could ‘finish Labour’ due to his unrelenting crackdown on the left.”

Read the full article here.

“Lessons from the Public Power Campaign” — PEOPLE’S POWER author Ashley Dawson writes for Dissent

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

“This summer, two popular bills to democratize New York’s energy system died in the state legislature. A revived campaign will need both sympathetic legislators and the direct action tactics of social movements.”

Read the full article here.

“Corbynism ‘changed politics forever,’ Len McCluskey says at launch of autobiography” — ALWAYS RED launch party covered by Morning Star

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

“Corbynism has ‘changed British politics forever’ and Unite’s role in the movement is one of his proudest achievements, Len McCluskey told a packed launch for his autobiography Always Red on Wednesday night.

The former Unite general secretary’s book traces his life from growing up in Liverpool and becoming a shop steward when workers’ industrial power in this country was at its height in the 1970s to becoming general secretary and helping shift Labour to the left from 2010, culminating in the ‘extraordinary journey’ of the Jeremy Corbyn movement’s challenge to British capitalism.”

Read the full article here.

“Len McCluskey says public could see Labour leader as ‘someone who can’t be trusted’” — ALWAYS RED author featured in The Independent

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

“Keir Starmer agreed a backroom deal to lift Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension from Labour but then rowed back on it following a backlash, Len McCluskey has claimed.

The former Unite chief warned the Labour leader ‘risks becoming fixed in the public’s mind as someone who can’t be trusted’ – citing both the episode and Sir Keir’s decision to abandon some leadership election pledges.”

Read the full article here.

“Len McCluskey lifts lid on secret chats with Starmer” — ALWAYS RED featured in The Express

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

Jeremy Corbyn ally and former Unite Union leader Len McCluskey has launched a blistering attack on Sir Keir Starmer, revealing details of private conversations that risk splitting Labour down the middle.

In his autobiography, due to be released later this month, the hard-left union baron accuses Sir Keir of being ‘dishonourable’ and ‘wrongheaded’. And in a dire warning to the party, the life-long Labour affiliate warns the party’s leader faces the damning possibility of being seen as deceitful in the eyes of the public.”

Read the full article here.

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