Latest News: Author Archive

“Covid, Capitalism & Ecology” — THE MONSTER ENTERS author Mike Davis in conversation with Rob Wallace

Monday, October 19th, 2020

“Here Are Some Great Virtual Book Events Happening This Week” — TALES OF TWO PLANETS featured on BuzzFeed

Monday, October 19th, 2020

Panels on horror fiction and climate writing, memoirs from Peter Frampton and Matthew McConaughey, a celebration of African American poetry, and much more.

Read the article here.

“The challenges of addressing the climate crisis in fiction, and what kind of writing moves us to take action” — TALES OF TWO PLANETS editor John Freeman interviewed on Mr B’s

Friday, October 16th, 2020

Listen here.

“An incisive appraisal of our current carbon age dilemma” — PEOPLE’S POWER reviewed by EuropeNow

Friday, October 16th, 2020

Read the review here.

NEW EVENT: PANDEMIC! author Slavoj Žižek speaks at Frankfurt Book Fair on Saturday 10/17

Friday, October 16th, 2020

Details here.

“Study Suggests a Supernova Exploded Near Earth About 2.5 Million Years Ago, Possibly Triggering an Extinction Event” — EXTINCTION recommended in Forbes

Friday, October 16th, 2020

Read the article here.

“Wars and pandemics produce the same sort of lethal government bungling” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn writes for the Independent

Friday, October 16th, 2020

New restrictions will not stop the epidemic because most people do not comply with the old ones

Read the article here.

“The problem with Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination isn’t timing. It’s her views” — AMERICAN MONSTROSITY author Nathan J. Robinson writes for the Guardian

Friday, October 16th, 2020

In case after case, she’s found procedural technicalities to justify depriving already powerless people of their basic rights

Read the article here.

“The Conspiracy Theory That’s Eating America” — CHAMELEO author Robert Guffey discusses QAnon on Conspirinormal

Tuesday, October 13th, 2020

NEW EVENT: THE MONSTER ENTERS author Mike Davis in conversation with Rob Wallace on Saturday 10/17

Tuesday, October 13th, 2020

Details here.

“Brought back visceral sensations and emotions that I sometimes fear I’ve grown too numbed by my daily consumption of climate news to feel anymore.” — TALES OF TWO PLANETS reviewed by the Nation

Tuesday, October 13th, 2020

My descriptions come nowhere near doing justice to their stories and the power of their writing. You must read them and encounter their voices yourself—along with those of 34 other contributors, including Edwidge Danticat on Haiti, Mohammed Hanif on Pakistan, Anuradha Roy on India, and Ian Teh on China, to name just a few.

Read the full review here.

“An urgent new collection of dialogues” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! reviewed by OpEd News

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Read the review here.

PEN PAL discussed by Carl Weathers and Paul Alan Smith on Law & Disorder

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Listen to the interview here.

“The End of the World Wide Web?” — SPLINTERNET author Scott Malcolmson interviewed on the Agenda

Monday, October 12th, 2020

NEW VIDEO: THE MONSTER ENTERS author Mike Davis in conversation with STRONGMEN editor Vijay Prashad

Monday, October 12th, 2020

“A historian I’ve always admired” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS by David R. Roediger recommended by Rick Perlstein in the Boston Globe

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Read the article here.

“The Assange extradition case is an unprecedented attack on press freedom—so why’s the media largely ignoring it?” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author and IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE contributor Patrick Cockburn writes for the Independent

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Assange and WikiLeaks did everything journalists should do by finding out important information about US government misdeeds and handing it over to the public

Read the article here.

“The next Gaza Strip? Daily battle of survival for those left in Idlib” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn writes for the Independent

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Idlib is one of the last remaining opposition strongholds in Syria

Read the article here.

“Will Trump’s Covid diagnosis hurt his political standing?” — AMERICAN MONSTROSITY author Nathan J. Robinson writes for the Guardian

Friday, October 9th, 2020

The reality TV president is facing serious crises that are harder and harder to wish away. But this won’t be a wakeup call for Trump or his base.

Read the article here.

“Trump says ‘don’t be afraid of Covid.’ That’s easy for him to say” — AMERICAN MONSTROSITY author Nathan J. Robinson writes for the Guardian

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Not only did he not fear Covid-19, but he didn’t fear passing it on to everyone in his vicinity. That’s not bravery, it’s sociopathy.

Read the article here.

“Emphasizes that human ecological misbehavior has brought us to the point of ecocide” — PEOPLE’S POWER reviewed by CounterPunch

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Read the review here.

“Cohn brings out the best […] from makers of vivid, visceral, uncompromising work” — LUCID DREAMING reviewed by Newcity

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Read the review here.

THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS author David R. Roediger interviewed on Heartland Labor Forum

Friday, October 9th, 2020

“A devastating indictment of the cynicism of American politics” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS reviewed by the Battleground

Friday, October 9th, 2020

The Return of the White Republic

Read the review here.

“Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another” — HATE INC. author Matt Taibbi delivers lecture for the Penn State McCourtney Institute for Democracy

Monday, October 5th, 2020

“How Chile Got Rid of Pinochet” — CAUTIVOS author Ariel Dorfman writes for the Atlantic

Monday, October 5th, 2020
One tiny mark on a ballot, and then one more, and then yet another forged a better, luminous collective future.

Read the article here.

“The Increasingly Impossible Middle Class” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS author David R. Roediger writes for Against the Current

Friday, October 2nd, 2020
“Impossible” is a word used by many people typed and/or self-categorized as middle class to describe their own lives. Writers about the middle class prefer more precipitous words: precarious, sinking, and most often falling.

I chose from that menu in titling my recent book The Sinking Middle Class: A Political History. “Sinking” pays tribute to the best of George Orwell’s writing on the middle class and implies a gradual and grinding process — and also a miserable feeling — that characterizes middle class life even before a fall. Herman Melville’s Bartleby (“Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street”) sank.

The title’s “sinking” adjective works but it never fully dislodged indecision in my mind over an alternative title. The Impossible Middle Class remained a contender even as the book neared completion. Certainly the idea of “saving the middle class,” so dear to politicians across party lines and so associated with the impoverishment of U.S. political discourse since 1992, was impossible.

I remain fine with either choice of title, but do wonder if COVID 19 is about to lead us to the conclusion that middle class life, not just the posturing politics associated with its salvation, is what is impossible. Impossibility applies at the level of definition and of experience.

Read the full article here.

SURF, SWEAT AND TEARS longlisted for the 2020 William Hill Sports Book of the Year

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

Read the announcement here.

NEW EVENT: THE FASCINATION OF WHAT’S DIFFICULT author Kim Bendheim in conversation with Leslie Wolf-Creutzfeldt on Thursday 10/1

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Register here.

“Trump’s tax avoidance is a national disgrace. Don’t let him blame ‘the system'” — AMERICAN MONSTROSITY author Nathan J. Robinson writes for the Guardian

Monday, September 28th, 2020
Americans paid for Trump’s $73m tax refund – and he’s laughing all the way to the bank

Read the article here.

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