Latest News: Author Archive

“Brooklyn borough president candidate Robert Cornegy rails against ‘political gentrification’ by socialist upstarts while lining his coffers with campaign contributions from high-end real estate developers.” — BERNIE’S BROOKLYN author Theodore Hamm writes for the Indypendent

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020
For Brooklyn Real Estate Interests, Robert Cornegy Is a Premium Investment

Read the article here.

“Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters on Biden, Trump, Assange & Censorship” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor interviewed on Useful Idiots with Matt Taibbi & Katie Halper

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

“As Journalists Flock to Substack, Is There a Limit to the Newsletter Boom?” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi featured in Vanity Fair

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Read the article here.

“Why are public thinkers flocking to Substack?” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi featured in the Guardian

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Read the article here.

“Journalists Are Leaving the Noisy Internet for Your Email Inbox” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi featured in the New York Times

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Read the article here.

“The Biden plan for Central America: Militarised neoliberal hell” — EXILE author Belén Fernández writes for Al Jazeera

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

The policies a Biden administration will pursue are unlikely to bring prosperity and security to Central Americans.

Read the article here.

NEW BOOK CLUB: PEOPLE’S POWER discussed by Democratic Socialists of America: San Francisco Ecosocialist Book Club on 12/1, 12/8 & 12/15

Friday, November 20th, 2020

Dec 1, 8, and 15th at 7pm PST

More details here.

“What the election result means for the US and the world” — AMERICAN MONSTROSITY author Nathan J. Robinson in conversation with Bhaskar Sunkara and more for Tata Literature Live!

Friday, November 20th, 2020

“Tiyo Attallah Salah-El’s exemplary life (without parole) is testament to the human spirit and the cause of abolition… Inspiring.” — PEN PAL reviewed by David Gilbert for Black Agenda Report

Friday, November 20th, 2020

David Gilbert has been incarcerated in New York State since 1981.

Read the review here.

“Stalking the Middle Class with David Roediger” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS author interviewed on Interchange

Friday, November 20th, 2020

Listen to the interview here.

“The Shrinking Middle Class” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS author David R. Roediger interviewed for CounterPunch

Friday, November 20th, 2020

Read the interview here.

“Imagining the End of Capitalism With Kim Stanley Robinson” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor interviewed for Jacobin

Tuesday, November 17th, 2020

Kim Stanley Robinson is the author of more than twenty books, including New York 2140Red Moon, and the Mars trilogy. He talked to Jacobin about his latest work, his vision of socialism, and why we must fight to imagine the end of capitalism rather than the end of the world.

Read the interview here.

“What to expect from the new presidency” — MY TURN author Doug Henwood interviewed on Renegade Inc

Tuesday, November 17th, 2020

“The Joe Biden Presidency: Will It Be Neoliberalism & Regime Change or Progressivism? ” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Going Underground

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Carl Weathers and Paul Alan Smith discuss PEN PAL on the Mo’Kelly Show

Monday, November 16th, 2020

“Kim Stanley Robinson Bears Witness to Our Climate Futures” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor interviewed for the Nation

Monday, November 16th, 2020

A conversation with the acclaimed sci-fi novelist about the climate crisis, activism, utopia, and his new novel, The Ministry for the Future.

Read the interview here.

“Kim Stanley Robinson Is One of Our Greatest Ever Socialist Novelists” — REDISCOVERING EARTH contributor featured in Jacobin

Monday, November 16th, 2020

For more than 40 years, Kim Stanley Robinson has written radical science fiction that offers readers not an easy vision of utopia, but a hopeful alternative that still confronts the ecological devastation wrought by capitalism.

Read the full article here.

“Biden’s Election Is Not A Mandate For Centrism” — AMERICAN MONSTROSITY author Nathan Robinson writes for Current Affairs

Friday, November 13th, 2020

The painful, floundering ordeal of centrist Joe Biden’s win is not, in fact, a great case for his (lack of) politics.

Read the article here.

“Biden’s Big Mistake” — THE MONSTER ENTERS author Mike Davis interviewed on the Nation‘s Start Making Sense podcast

Friday, November 13th, 2020

“Matt Taibbi on the Media, Cancel Culture, and the Democratic Establishment” — HATE INC author interviewed on the Megyn Kelly Show

Friday, November 13th, 2020

NEW EVENT: “White Resentment & ‘Economic Anxiety’: Reflections on the Writings of David R. Roediger” — THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS author in discussion for the American Studies Association on 11/13/20

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

Just in time to assess the 2020 elections and our ongoing work in the face of virulent white nationalism, this intergenerational panel will discuss the influential work of David R. Roediger, historian of whiteness and former president of the American Studies Association. Panelists from a diversity of scholarly and personal backgrounds will reflect on how they were influenced by Roediger and how his writings can help us sort through the intersectional problems of race, class, gender, and Indigeneity in this pivotal moment. As control of the White House shifts, Roediger’s latest book reminds us that majoritarian appeals to save “The Sinking Middle Class”—that blithely seek to win allegiance from disaffected whites—continuously fail to grapple with the problems of neoliberalism and white supremacy at the core of U.S. society.

November 13, 4:00 to 6:00pm (Eastern Time), 3-5pm (Central), 2-4pm (Mountain), 1-3pm (Pacific)

More details here.

“We must dare to unleash our courage, energy and compassion” — CAUTIVOS author Ariel Dorfman writes for CNN

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

Is the nightmare finally over?

Read the article here.

“Biden’s win changes nothing and signifies stalemate that could see Trump run again in 2024” — PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek writes for RT

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

Don’t expect Joe Biden’s election victory to make a major difference to the US. He will be hamstrung by the Senate and Supreme Court, and unable to impose any fundamental change.

Read the article here.

“An essential collection of history, interviews and opinions about Black Consciousness” — THE BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS READER featured on Okay Africa

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Letlhogonolo Mokgoroane hand-picks 7 books written by Black authors reflecting on revolution.

Read the article here.

“Compelling literature on how climate change affects us all” — TALES OF TWO PLANETS editor John Freeman interviewed on Living on Earth

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Listen to the interview here.

“Tiyo Attallah Salah-El Navigates the Racialized Politics of Prison” — PEN PAL excerpt published on Lit Hub

Monday, November 9th, 2020
Tiyo Attallah Salah-El, the founder of the Coalition for the Abolition of Prisons, was an author, scholar, teacher, and activist. He served a life sentence, spending much of it in the State Correctional Institute at Dallas in Pennsylvania. Tiyo died in 2018.

In 2004, the activist Howard Zinn introduced Tiyo to his friend, a Hollywood agent named Paul Alan Smith. Tiyo and Paul began a correspondence that lasted for nearly 15 years. Pen Pal: Prison Letters from a Free Spirit on Slow Death Row compiles 92 of the 568 letters Tiyo sent Paul, providing an intimate panorama of institutionalized racism in the US. The following excerpt includes two of these letters.

Read the excerpt here.

“Trump’s cult of personality will be badly damaged by defeat—even if his toxic politics march on.” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn writes for the Independent

Monday, November 9th, 2020

The Democrats’ loathing for Trump blinded them to his political skills, which almost kept him in the White House

Read the article here.

“Expecting 2008, Democrats got 2016 again, an unnervingly close election that Joe Biden appears to have won by razor-thin margins.” — THE MONSTER ENTERS author Mike Davis writes for the London Review of Books

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Rio Grande Valley Republicans

Read the article here.

“I want to swallow all the days ahead at once” — LOCKDOWN IN HELL WORLD excerpt published on Discontents

Friday, November 6th, 2020

Turns out it’s pretty hard to write a book about any given chunk of the Trump administration because every time you think you’re ready to stop 500 other amazingly stupid and frightening things happen almost instantly and you have to email your publisher and be like: Wait. Ah fuck hold on.

Read the excerpt here.

“Even if defeated, Trumpism will not vanish” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn writes for the Independent

Friday, November 6th, 2020

The toxic Trump era is unfortunately not an aberration and is all too well rooted in American history

Read the article here.

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