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“The Trial of Julian Assange” — IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE editor Tariq Ali writes for the New Left Review

Monday, January 11th, 2021

“The trial is over. Judge Vanessa Baraitser has ruled that Julian Assange will not be extradited to the United States. If anyone who has been observing the trial says that they aren’t surprised, they’re fibbing.”

Read the article here.

“In proposing how to tackle the crisis we must all become philosophers.” — PANDEMIC! and EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! featured on India Today

Monday, January 11th, 2021

With most of 2020 spent in lockdown, many turned to the written word for various reasons—comfort, escape knowledge, truth. India Today brings you expert recommendations on the best 2020 had to offer.

Read the article here.

“What Would David Bowie Do?” — BOWIE author Simon Critchley writes for the New York Times

Monday, January 11th, 2021

Five years after his death, the dystopian world that his music describes seems closer than ever. But maybe he can show us a way out of it.

Read the article here.

“Assange Ruling Is an Indictment of US Prisons” — JULIAN ASSANGE IN HIS OWN WORDS contributor Charles Glass writes for the Nation

Monday, January 11th, 2021

The British court judgment also delivers a body blow to freedom of speech.

Read the article here.

“How the media both contributed to and covered the riots” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Rising

Friday, January 8th, 2021

“Riot on the Hill” — THE MONSTER ENTERS author Mike Davis writes for the New Left Review

Thursday, January 7th, 2021

“Yesterday’s ‘sacrileges’ in our temple of democracy – oh, poor defiled city on the hill, etc. – constituted an ‘insurrection’ only in the sense of dark comedy. What was essentially a big biker gang dressed as circus performers and war-surplus barbarians – including the guy with a painted face posing as horned bison in a fur coat – stormed the ultimate country club, squatted on Pence’s throne, chased Senators into the sewers, casually picked their noses and rifled files and, above all, shot endless selfies to send to the dudes back home. Otherwise they didn’t have a clue. (The aesthetic was pure Buñuel and Dali: ‘Our only rule was very simple: no idea or image that might lend itself to a rational explanation of any kind would be accepted.’)”

Read the full article here.

“The Case for Wide-Scale Debt Relief” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! contributor Astra Taylor writes for the Nation

Wednesday, January 6th, 2021

Student loans, medical debt, mortgage payments, rent, and municipal debt should all be reduced or eliminated outright, Taylor argues.

Read the article here.

“We’re at a grim crossroads in this pandemic: one path leads to utter despair, the other to total extinction” — PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek writes for RT

Wednesday, January 6th, 2021

“Not only is the Covid pandemic far from over, given numbers are still rising, but new pandemics are on the horizon; global warming, fires, and droughts are ruining our environment; the economic effects of the pandemic will strike later in 2021 giving a new boost to social protests; digital control of our lives will remain; mental health problems will explode… and we will have to learn to live not just with Covid-19, but with all this medley of interconnected phenomena. This is why we are now going through the most dangerous moment of the entire pandemic. To relax now would be like falling asleep behind the wheel of a car moving fast on a winding road. We have to make lots of decisions that cannot all be grounded in science – our moment is now the moment of radical political choices.”

Read the full article here.

“I’ll probably be ground into dirt myself before too long” — LOCKDOWN IN HELL WORLD author Luke O’Neil interviewed by Daniel Tovrov on Medium

Wednesday, January 6th, 2021

“Before the world blew up, I interviewed Luke O’Neil, author of the Welcome to Hell World newsletter, about the then still-recent anthology of his work. The piece was supposed to run in February in a fairly popular magazine, but for various reasons it was pushed until March, at which point the world changed forever. Now, almost a full year since we talked, Luke has a new book out — “Lockdown in Hell World,” a collection of his newsletters about the pandemic — and I’m finally publishing this interview here because however much things change they stay the same, and I think Luke’s points are more relevant and worth your consideration than ever.”

Read the interview here.

“As is clear from the memoir of one of [Julian Assange’s] attorneys, Michael Ratner, the ends have always justified the means for those demanding his global persecution.” — MOVING THE BAR recommended by Chris Hedges on Scheerpost

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

The Empire is Not Done with Julian Assange

Read the article here.

“Why is everything so terrible and what should anti-capitalist organizers be focusing on going into 2021?” — THE MONSTER ENTERS author Mike Davis interviewed on the Antifada

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

Jamie and Andy sit down with the great Marxist historian, author, activist and urban theorist Mike Davis to review the year that was.

Listen here.

WELCOME TO HELL WORLD recommended by Eve 6 frontman Max Collins in the Washington Post

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

“I’ve been following him for years. His newsletter “Welcome to Hell World” is punctuation-free for the most part, and I really like that aesthetic and style and attitude.”

Read the article here.

“Julian Assange has won a significant victory. We should consider what it really means” — IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE contributor Patrick Cockburn writes for the Independent

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

“I was in Baghdad at the time of one of the most famous leaks. Many of us suspected what had happened but could prove nothing in the face of official denials.”

Read the article here.

UPCOMING PROGRAM: “Panel On Julian Assange Extradition Ruling” — IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE contributors Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, and Kevin Gosztola in conversation for the Assange Defense Committee on Jan 4, 2021 03:00 PM EST

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Full details here.

UPCOMING PROGRAM: “The life and legal battles of Michael Ratner, from the Attica prison uprising to his representation of Julian Assange, his last client. ” — MOVING THE BAR author honored on Law and Disorder on Jan 4, 2021 10:00 PM EST

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Full details here.

“There is more to fake news than Trump’s lies. Real journalists are needed more than ever” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn writes for the Independent

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Reporting on the pandemic shows that radio and TV provide too little information and the internet too much. Our grandparents knew more about the world around them than we do, says Patrick Cockburn.

Read the article here.

“What Trump has made blindingly clear to America” — CAUTIVOS author Ariel Dorfman writes for CNN

Monday, January 4th, 2021

What happens to a nation incapable of healing itself?

Read the article here.

“Unsung heroes of 2020” — LOCKDOWN IN HELL WORLD author Luke O’Neil writes for the Guardian

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Election pranksters

True to form for an administration that could make the most routine tasks somehow absurd, Donald Trump couldn’t even lose an election without making it weird. With close but clear results, he refused to concede, concocting a series of unhinged conspiracy theories about stolen votes and fraud – lies he still maintains.

But laughs soon arrived, in the form of the Trump “voter fraud hotline”, which loyal patriots were meant to call into with evidence of fraud. It soon devolved into a debacle, as an army of pranksters flooded the phone lines with ridiculous tales meant to highlight the absurdity of the proceedings.

One caller told the hotline she met the devil at her polling station in Georgia, who challenged her to a fiddle contest. Another relayed the plot of the 1980s sitcom Different Strokes. A third wiseass called to snitch on a suspicious character skulking around that bore a striking resemblance to the McDonald’s mascot the Hamburglar, who, based on his clothing, he could only assume was antifa. They put a fine point on what a lot of the country thought: this entire effort is a joke – and you, Mr President, are also a joke.

“It’s misery. It’s one of the worst ways to end a campaign you could think of,” one campaign staffer fielding the calls said, calling the prank calls traumatizing. The hotline was soon shut down. What a small joyous gift to watch it all happen in a year otherwise full of bad news.

– LO’N

Read the full article here.

“Moving to the suburbs, the aftermath of the election, and the ongoing debate about Covid” — LOCKDOWN IN HELL WORLD author Luke O’Neil in discussion for the Discontents podcast

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Listen here.

“Thoughtful and well-informed” — LUCID DREAMING reviewed by Ultra Dogme

Monday, January 4th, 2021

“Introduced me to a number of artists working under the radar.”

Read the full review here.

“[An] easily accessible, passionately argued intervention.” — PEOPLE’S POWER reviewed by New Politics

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Structures of Fossil Feeling

Read the review here.

“Invigorating, educative, challenging, and useful.” — AN INHERITANCE FOR OUR TIMES reviewed by Democratic Left

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Can Spheres of Socialism Become Spheres of Influence?

Read the review here.

“2020 in Review: The Media and the Left” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on the Zero Hour with RJ Eskow

Monday, January 4th, 2021

“Gutting and painful, but also searingly intelligent and deeply wise—plus consistently humorous.” — PEN PAL discussed by Mike Africa, Jr. and Aaron Shulman for the Los Angeles Review of Books

Monday, January 4th, 2021

IN THE EARLY 2000s, historian Howard Zinn introduced his film agent, Paul Alan Smith, to his friend and former student, Tiyo Attallah Salah-El, a prisoner sentenced to life who, while behind bars, had transformed himself into a scholar, a pioneering activist against mass incarceration, and a mentor to many fellow inmates. The two men became friends and pen pals, and over 14 years they exchanged 568 letters. Pen Pal: Prison Letters from a Free Spirit on Slow Death Row, published by OR Books in August, is a selection of Tiyo’s side of the correspondence. 

The voice and spirit that come through are indelible — angry, wise, mournful, contemplative, resilient, hilarious, profane, and above all deeply honest and caring. Tiyo dissects the everyday physical and emotional indignities of prison life, while also examining the political system that undergirds it. He manages to laugh at the cruel absurdity of his daily existence at the same time as he articulates his rage and weariness. The story that emerges in the letters is an intimate act of defiance. And if you like audiobooks, the audio edition of Pen Pal, read by Carl Weathers, will stay with you as vividly as Tiyo’s written words.

Tiyo passed away in 2018 — an enormous shame, since he didn’t get to see his letters in print or know how perfectly they are now landing in our boiling cultural landscape in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and so much else. In lieu of speaking with Tiyo, I interviewed Mike Africa Jr., who wrote the preface to Pen Pal. Africa is the son of two members of the MOVE organization, a Black activist group based in Philadelphia that was violently targeted by the police, an assault that culminated in 1985 with the Philly PD dropping a bomb from a helicopter on a MOVE house, killing six adults and five children. By this time, Africa’s parents were already in prison, where they would spend 40 years; Mike himself was born there. Two members of the MOVE organization whom Mike was close to served time in the maximum-security prison SCI-Dallas in Pennsylvania alongside Tiyo Attallah Salah-El. Mike and I discussed the intersection of his world with Tiyo’s. – Aaron Shulman

Read the interview here.

“The end of the world will drag on and on. It will never end.” — PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek in conversation with Ben Burgis and Amber A’Lee Frost for Give Them an Argument

Monday, January 4th, 2021

“We Need a Socialist Reset, Not a Corporate ‘Great Reset'” — PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek writes for Jacobin

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Slavoj Žižek writes in Jacobin that we’ve been given a choice between a return to the old exploitative normality and a post-COVID corporate “Great Reset” that promises to be even worse. We need a real alternative, a socialist reset that can win justice for all and save the planet from climate apocalypse.

Read the full article here.

“The enduring lessons of a New Deal writers project” — THE DEEP END author Jason Boog interviewed for the Columbia Journalism Review

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Boog notes that the original project came about as a result of writers forming unions and marching alongside other working-class interests; in 1935, writers’ groups picketed repeatedly in New York, carrying placards with slogans like “Children Need Books. Writers Need A Break. We Demand Projects.”

Read the full article here.

“Brings together sharp, progressive, political commentators to think about the world that has come undone by the novel coronavirus” — EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE! featured on India Today

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Each critical thinker tackles a topic—from love and tech to internationalism and money and debt creation—with the message to organise the world in a manner that benefits everyone equally and ends the exploitation of the poor by the rich.

Read the full article here.

“Favourite Reads in 2020” — BERNIE’S BROOKLYN recommended on the Repeater Books Blog

Monday, December 21st, 2020

“As well as a lively history of New York municipal politics and socialism in the New Deal era, this small book explores the lives of an ensemble cast of figures, from Arthur Miller to Eleanor Roosevelt to Woody Guthrie, and speculates on the impact of postwar Jewish Brooklyn on the future Vermont senator.”

See the full list here.

“Jared Diamond on the Global Climate Crisis and the Case for Hope” — REDISCOVERING EARTH excerpt published on Lit Hub

Monday, December 21st, 2020

The Author of Upheaval in Conversation with Anders Dunker

Read the excerpt here.

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