Latest News: Author Archive

Inferno would be an excellent book to hand to one’s parent, after years of their sneering at your unabashed involvement with poetry. ” — INFERNO reviewed by Cedar Sigo for Lit Hub

Friday, July 23rd, 2021

“We have a hero on our hands who has survived the depths of someone else’s famous epic and is writing their best sentences yet.”

Read the full review here.

PART II: PANDEMIC! 2 author Slavoj Žižek in conversation with Chris Hedges for On Contact

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

PART I: PANDEMIC! author Slavoj Žižek in conversation with Chris Hedges for On Contact

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

“Ideology and the pandemic” — PANDEMIC! author Slavoj Žižek interviewed for the Institute of Art and Ideas

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

“Astonishing new developments in the Julian Assange case” — IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE contributors Matt Taibbi and Kevin Gosztola in conversation with Assange’s brother Gabriel Shipton on Useful Idiots

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

“Message from Slavoj Žižek on Julian Assange’s 50th birthday” — IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE contributor speaks with DiEM25

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

“A mixture of the old Mad magazine Harvey Kurtzman comics and the R. Crumb underground strips of the 60s” — DIASPORA BOY reviewed on WBAI Arts Express

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

Listen to the full review here.

“Assange turns 50 in jail” — IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE contributor Slavoj Žižek writes for RT

Friday, July 9th, 2021

“It’s a twisted irony that the 50th birthday of jailed journalist Julian Assange comes just a day before the US’ Independence Day. That reminds us of the dark aspects of the ‘Land of the Free’ and most of Western democracies.”

Read the full article here.

“QAnon’s Alive and Bela Lugosi’s Dead” — CHAMELEO author Robert Guffey interviewed for CounterPunch

Friday, July 9th, 2021

“Robert Guffey is a lecturer in the Department of English at California State University – Long Beach. His most recent books are Widow of the Amputation and Other Weird Crimes (Eraserhead Press, 2021), a collection of four novellas, and a novel entitled Bela Lugosi’s Dead (Crossroad Press, 2021). 2017 marked the publication of Until the Last Dog Dies (Night Shade/Skyhorse), a darkly satirical novel about a young stand-up comedian who must adapt as best he can to an apocalyptic virus that destroys only the humor centers of the brain. His previous books include the journalistic memoir Chameleo: A Strange But True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security (OR Books, 2015), which Flavorwire has called, “By many miles, the weirdest and funniest book of [the year].” His first book of nonfiction, Cryptoscatalogy: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form, was published in 2012.

More recently, Guffey has been involved with trying to decode and comprehend the phenomenon known as QAnon, an oddity which seems to fall under his bailiwick. Guffey has a unique take, treating its myriad emerging characters as akin to fantasy figures who live somewhere between reality and the Twilight Zone. Last August, he published a 5-part series on the origins of QAnon in Salon, and, more recently, he has a follow-on 4-part series on the movement in TheEvergreen Review titled, “If You’re Into Eating Children’s Brains, You’ve Got a Four-Year Free Ride: A QAnon Bedtime Story.

Read the interview here.

“The account of an anonymous marijuana dealer who claims that the police, far from being the expert sleuths of crime fiction and crime TV series such as C.S.I., in fact operate mainly by grabbing informers off the street and beating on them until they give up names.” — THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING reviewed in People’s World

Thursday, July 8th, 2021

Read the full review here.

“Inspiring” — MOVING THE BAR reviewed in Mondoweiss

Thursday, July 8th, 2021

“How do leftleaning Americans who have a special corner of their heart devoted to Israel give up that attachment in the face of unending human rights violations?

That is one drama of the very full life of Michael Ratner, the legendary human rights lawyer who died in 2016 at 72. Ratner’s posthumous memoir was published in May, and it offers an intimate narrative of his own transformation on the Palestine question.”

Read the full review here.

“What Michael Taught Us” — MOVING THE BAR author Michael Ratner honored by the Center for Constitutional Rights

Thursday, July 8th, 2021

“The War Crimes Case Against Donald Rumsfeld” — Interview with MOVING THE BAR author Michael Ratner reprinted in CounterPunch

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

In the name of setting the historical record straight, here’s the late great Michael Ratner, making the unimpeachable case against Rumsfeld for his war crimes in Iraq.

Read the interview here.

THE SINKING MIDDLE CLASS author David Roediger interviewed on the Majority Report

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed on Breaking Points

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on the New York Times Opinion podcast the Argument

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Rising

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

“Grading Cuomo’s Pandemic Performance” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed on the Brian Lehrer Show

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed on Breaking Points

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed on Leonard Lopate at Large

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

Leonard Lopate at Large on WBAI Radio in New York · Ross Barkan on The Prince: Andrew Cuomo, Coronavirus, and the Fall of New York

“The great virtue of Kim Bendheim’s book is that she brings fresh perspectives – non-academic, contemporary and American – to bear on the known facts of Gonne’s life… Revelatory.” — THE FASCINATION OF WHAT’S DIFFICULT reviewed in the Irish Times

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

[Gives] us a broader picture of this undoubtedly difficult and fascinating woman.

Read the full review here.

“#RussiaGate Postmortem: How the Media Failed Us” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Bad Faith

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

“The Legacy of the Steele Dossier” — HATE INC author Matt Taibbi interviewed on Rising

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

Watch here.

I ACCUSE! author Norman Finkelstein interviewed on Useful Idiots

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

“In this excoriating takedown, [Barkan] argues that praising New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is akin to commending Nero for fiddling while Rome burned… Enriched by the author’s deep knowledge of New York politics and sharp parsing of facts… this exposé delivers a knockout punch.” — THE PRINCE reviewed in Publishers Weekly

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

Barkan critiques the media for boosting Cuomo’s image, but reserves his harshest judgments for the governor himself, an ‘arrogant, vengeful, and megalomaniacal’ leader who fostered a political culture that ‘favored dominance over competence.’ The controversy over Cuomo’s March 2020 directive ordering nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients is examined, as are the revelations that his administration ‘severely undercounted’ nursing home deaths and pushed to grant legal immunity to hospitals and nursing homes. But the most eye-opening sections delve into the ways in which Cuomo’s budget cuts and reluctance to raise taxes weakened New York’s ability to contain the pandemic. The recent sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo, which occurred in the ‘media vacuum’ left by the end of the Trump presidency, might be what finally brings him down, according to Barkan.

Read the full review here.

THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed on Democracy Now!

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed on FiveThirtyEight

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan interviewed on Useful Idiots

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

ABOVE THE LAW author Ben Cohen interviewed on the Beat with Ari Melber on MSNBC

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

ABOVE THE LAW author Ben Cohen interviewed on Leonard Lopate at Large

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

Leonard Lopate at Large on WBAI Radio in New York · Ben Cohen on Above the Law: How Qualified Immunity Protects Violent Police
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