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“Packed with leading figures from the Labour left” — ALWAYS RED launch party covered by BBC News

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

“Sir Keir Starmer is ‘bereft of vision’ and needs to let voters know what he stands for, Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey has told the BBC…

[Len McCluskey] was speaking to the BBC at the launch of his autobiography, Always Red. The launch party, in a room above a Westminster pub, was packed with leading figures from the Labour left, including former shadow chancellor John McDonnell and ex-communications chief Seumas Milne.

Mr Corbyn gave a speech praising Mr McCluskey’s leadership of Unite – and for his ‘support and friendship during some very difficult times’, particularly during the failed ‘coup’ against him in 2016.”

Read the full article here.

“Len McCluskey accuses Keir Starmer of reneging promise to readmit Jeremy Corbyn to party” — ALWAYS RED author Len McCluskey featured in i

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

“Former union boss Len McCluskey has accused Sir Keir Starmer of going back on a private deal to readmit Jeremy Corbyn to the Labour party.

The former general secretary of the Unite union said Sir Keir was ‘dishonourable’ and would become someone the public would not trust.”

Read the full article here.

“Len McCluskey accuses Keir Starmer of ‘breaking deal’ over Corbyn’s readmission to Labour” — ALWAYS RED featured in The Mirror

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

“Former Unite boss Len McCluskey has accused Keir Starmer of breaking his promise to let Jeremy Corbyn back into the Labour party.

Mr McCluskey claimed that Mr Starmer had reneged on a pledge to readmit the former leader back into Labour’s ranks…

The story was redacted from review copies of Mr McCluskey’s new autobiography Always Red due to its sensitive nature.”

Read the full article here.

“Michael Ratner left behind an ample record of his courageous career as both an outspoken anti-war advocate and a brilliant human rights lawyer” — MOVING THE BAR featured in LA Progressive

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

Readers would be rewarded by reading [Michael] Ratner’s autobiography Moving the Bar: My Life As a Radical Lawyer (OR Books)…

Ratner was an early and outspoken opponent of US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq… But Ratner wasn’t satisfied to just vehemently oppose Bush’s wars.  Real human beings were being detained, tortured, injured and killed while in US custody.  Ratner and his colleagues at the Center of Constitutional Rights designed innovative lawsuits based on US and international law to challenge these cruel and illegal practices.  In retrospect, human rights organizations and advocates for international peace have applauded Ratner and his team for what they did.”

Read the full article here.

“Drug Dealing, the Media, and the Politics of Division” — Matt Taibbi interviewed about THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING on Letters and Politics

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

“The museum as a crime scene” — DECOLONIZE MUSEUMS author Shimrit Lee interviewed on e-flux podcast

Wednesday, September 15th, 2021


“Michael Ratner [was] one of the most consistently ferocious anti-war advocates of this or any generation” — MOVING THE BAR author Michael Ratner featured in Just Security

Monday, September 13th, 2021

“To his dying breath, Michael fought against war in every forum he could access – courtroom, classroom and media. Yes, he is remembered for the Guantanamo litigation. But that was hardly his only anti-war campaign. He pressed for Donald Rumsfeld to be charged with war crimes in Germany under a radical theory of universal jurisdiction. He sued private military contractors for war crimes because he saw the connection between capitalism and war. He represented Muslim men rounded up after 9/11 and beaten in jail. He was a consistent critic of Israel for its military occupation of Palestinian territory.”

Read the full article here.

“Litigating the War on Terror” — MOVING THE BAR author Michael Ratner featured in The New York Review of Books

Monday, September 13th, 2021

“That President Joe Biden faces pressure to close Guantánamo and end this travesty of justice is due in significant part to the efforts of Michael Ratner and his allies to challenge the strained ‘wartime’ justifications for the US government’s treatment of detainees there.”

Read the full article here.

“My Friend Michael Ratner”— MOVING THE BAR featured in LA Progressive

Monday, September 13th, 2021

“Bill Kunstler used to say that there are no green pastures, that every generation has its own battles to fight. This is why Michael wrote his memoir Moving the Bar.

I hope that people will read it, particularly young people, that they will absorb its lessons.”

Read the full article here.

“McCluskey accuses Starmer of reneging on pledge to reinstate Corbyn” — ALWAYS RED featured in The Guardian

Monday, September 13th, 2021

“Len McCluskey has revealed for the first time his detailed recollection of negotiations with Keir Starmer to readmit Jeremy Corbyn to the Labour party, accusing the leader of reneging on private promises.

The former Unite general secretary, who stepped down last month, said Starmer ‘risks becoming fixed in the public’s mind as someone who can’t be trusted’. Writing in the Guardian, he gives an account of the private conversations – a section redacted in review copies of his memoir Always Red because of its sensitivity.”

Read the full article here.

“I trusted Keir Starmer – until I saw how he handled Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension” — ALWAYS RED author Len McCluskey writes for The Guardian

Monday, September 13th, 2021

“If [Keir Starmer] is not careful, he risks becoming fixed in the public’s mind as someone who can’t be trusted. Sadly, my own experience of dealing with Starmer – as leader of Labour’s largest trade union affiliate until last month – offers nothing to dispel this image…

When Starmer took over, I hoped for good relations between us. To begin with, that’s how they were. Contrary to what might be expected, I spoke to Starmer far more than I ever did Jeremy Corbyn. But that all changed after Starmer’s destructive decision to suspend his predecessor from the party in October last year.

As I explain in greater depth in my book, Always Red, the final breakdown came not over the suspension itself – although I thought that a hot-headed act – but when Starmer chose to break an honest deal agreed between us for Corbyn’s readmission to the party.”

Read the full article here.

“A terrific book… [Matt Taibbi] is one of the great writers of our time” — HATE INC. author Matt Taibbi interviewed on The Ryen Russillo Podcast

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

Listen to the full episode here.

“The freedom fighter for all of us” — JULIAN ASSANGE IN HIS OWN WORDS reviewed by ​Al-Akhbar

Thursday, September 9th, 2021
Read the full review here.

IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE contributor Kevin Gosztola awarded the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

“Kevin Gosztola was awarded the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism for his work thus far on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s case.

The Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees, based in California, is an antiwar group that gives the award to those whose work is ‘deemed important, courageous, and relentless in pursuit of truth, however inconvenient it may be to those who use deception for political gain.'”

Read more here.

“Trailblazing… A literary sensation” — SALMA authors Rajathi Salma and Kim Longinotto featured in Mint

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

“Rajathi Salma is one of Tamil Nadu’s most important contemporary poets, as well as a trailblazing gender activist and a member of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK). Overcoming orthodoxy, marital violence and imprisonment in her own home, Salma became a literary sensation not just in Tamil Nadu but globally, and in translation.”

Read the full article here.

“Where will freedom and democracy strike next?” — IN DEFENSE OF JULIAN ASSANGE editor Tariq Ali writes for The Nation

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

“The War on Terror had failed on every level—at home as well as abroad. While the US military and its allies bombed and droned their way across foreign lands, their governments were busy waging war on civil liberties on domestic soil…

Whistle-blowers who revealed the crimes in Iraq and elsewhere were severely punished. Chelsea Manning was pardoned, but Edward Snowden, who exposed the scale of the surveillance carried out by the National Security Agency, had to flee the country. And Julian Assange remains in Belmarsh prison, wondering whether the British judicial system will send him to be entombed in a US security prison on the basis of a dangerous, precedent-setting charge of violating the Espionage Act.

Read the full article here.

“Afghanistan: A nation abandoned?” — WAR IN THE AGE OF TRUMP author Patrick Cockburn speaks to The Independent

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

Watch the full event here.

“It will take committed, collective engagement to solve the problems we face” — HEAVEN IN DISORDER author Slavoj Žižek writes for The Hankyoreh

Wednesday, September 8th, 2021

“After the triumph of global capitalism, the spirit of collective engagement has been repressed, but now, the repressed spirit seems to have returned in the form of religious fundamentalism.

Can this lead to a return of the proper form of collective emancipatory engagement? Yes. And it is already knocking on our doors with great force. Tackling climate change, for example, calls for large-scale collective actions which will require many sacrifices and letting go of certain pleasures we cherish.”

Read the full article here.

“Modernity is an unfinished project” — HEAVEN IN DISORDER author Slavoj Žižek writes for RT

Wednesday, September 8th, 2021

We should learn to trust science: it is only with the help of science that we can overcome our problems (caused, among other things, by science in the service of power). We should learn to trust public authority: only such an authority makes it possible to confront dangers like pandemics and environmental catastrophes by way of imposing necessary measures. We should learn to trust ‘the big Other,’ the shared space of basic values: without it, solidarity is not possible.”

Read the full article here.

“How the US created a world of endless war” — INSIDE IRAN author Medea Benjamin featured in The Guardian

Friday, September 3rd, 2021

“On 23 May 2013, the peace activist Medea Benjamin attended a speech by President Barack Obama at Fort McNair in Washington DC, where he defended his administration’s use of armed drones in counter-terrorism. During his speech, Benjamin interrupted the president to criticise him for not having closed Guantánamo Bay and for pursuing military solutions over diplomatic ones. She was swiftly ejected by military police and the Secret Service. The Washington Post later dismissed her as a ‘heckler’. Obama himself had been more reflective at the event, engaging with her criticisms, which led to even deeper self-criticism of his own. It was the moment of greatest moral clarity about war during a presidency that did more than any other to bring its endless and humane American form fully into being.”

Read the full article here.

“An entertaining fictional pusher reveals sobering real-life truths” — THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING reviewed by Washington Independent Review of Books

Friday, September 3rd, 2021

“Huey is a fully realized character whose hopes, suspicions, wariness, and weariness are all recognizable. Especially since he’s dealing in a substance so benign that it’s rapidly being decriminalized even as he peddles it on the sly. It’s easy to root for him to outsmart the cops and outplay his competitors.”

Read the full review here.

“Sandra Cisneros Loves to Read” — Ariel Dorfman’s HOMELAND SECURITY ATE MY SPEECH featured in The New York Times

Friday, September 3rd, 2021

Read the full article here.

“[Salma’s] extraordinary story is one of courage and resilience” — SALMA authors Rajathi Salma and Kim Longinotto featured in The Hindu

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

“Against the odds, Salma became a famous Tamil poet: the first step to discovering her own freedom and challenging the traditions and code of conduct in her village. Her extraordinary story is one of courage and resilience.”

Read the full article here.

“[A] trenchant case for radical revolution” — Slavoj Žižek’s PANDEMIC! 2 reviewed by Gript

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

For Žižek, the Covid crisis compounds the other existential crises of our time, the ecological and climate crisis, the deepening divide between rich and poor and the struggle for racial justice…

Reading Pandemic! 2, there is a sense that the world needs healing on many levels. Žižek’s revulsion with manic consumerism and outlandish displays of wealth while millions suffer in dire poverty is something to exercise every conscience.”

Read the full review here.

“Fiercely progressive and independent” — The New York Times publishes an obituary for THE BLACK AGENDA author Glen Ford

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

Glen Ford, who over a 50-year career was a leading voice among progressive Black journalists and a constant scourge of the liberal establishment, especially Black politicians like Barack Obama, died on July 28 in Manhattan…

​​The outlets where Mr. Ford worked, many of which he ran and helped found, were independent and run on a shoestring. But thanks to his energy and leadership, they had an outsize impact in progressive circles… bringing people who would otherwise not be heard from, including welfare-rights activists and Communist Party leaders, into living rooms around the country.”

Read the full obituary here.

“Cuomo’s Ouster May Have Saved Public College in New York” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan writes for Jacobin

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

“As Andrew Cuomo readies to resign in disgrace, it’s important to remember the harm he’s inflicted on New York as governor for more than a decade. There is much to pick over — his sexual harassment, his cover-up of nursing home deaths, his enabling of conservative Republicans — and a lot of it has received copious coverage. But missing, even now, is a reckoning with how Cuomo, a triangulating corporate Democrat, targeted public education.

Read the full article here.

“[An] honest and humane approach to the nasty business of business under contemporary capitalism” — Matt Taibbi’s THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING reviewed by People’s World

Sunday, August 22nd, 2021

“A well-structured, co-written narrative of a dealer… which recounts how [he] both builds a thriving business but then also is forced out of that business at the moment of legalization, where, as is true with every other business, it is taken over by hedge funds. The book has a crime novel mystery element as the dealer realizes someone in his network is betraying him and he and we don’t discover until the end who it is.”

Read the full review here.

“Few men have held greater sway over the Labour Party in the past decade” — Len McCluskey’s ALWAYS RED featured in The Daily Mail

Sunday, August 22nd, 2021

Len McCluskey secretly plotted to bring Britain to its knees with a general strike disrupting the supply of food and power… The secret plan… and the manner of its implementation is expected to be outlined in forensic detail in his forthcoming autobiography, Always Red.”

Read the full article here.

“The media’s role in the Cuomo myth” — THE PRINCE author Ross Barkan writes for Columbia Journalism Review

Wednesday, August 18th, 2021

“The question must be asked, as we move through this crisis and prepare to confront new ones, why the early coverage of Cuomo neglected so much. Why weren’t harder questions posed? Why did performance matter so much more than policy? It is easy to imagine an alternative, reflexive skepticism from the outset, especially as New York’s coronavirus death toll soared. There was nothing, ultimately, to celebrate.”

Read the full article here.

“[Len McCluskey’s] parting shot” — ALWAYS RED featured in The Times

Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

“The Labour Party could ‘go under’ with Sir Keir Starmer as its leader, the head of its biggest trade union donor has said.

Len McCluskey, who is retiring as general secretary of Unite later this month, accused Starmer of moving the party to the right with ‘vapid New Labour clichés’ and an ‘anti-democratic crackdown on the left’.

His parting shot comes in a memoir, Always Red, which is set to be published on the day of Starmer’s speech at Labour’s annual conference next month.”

Read the full article here.

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