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“It was like a cheesy B movie” STEPHEN GILPIN on TRUMP U in Salon

Monday, June 11th, 2018

Of the many scandals swirling around Donald Trump prior to his surprise election as president in 2016, perhaps the most telling — if tragically underplayed by the mainstream media — was the legal drama around Trump University. Trump sold the alleged “school” as a place for aspiring entrepreneurs to gain the necessary skills to make money in real estate. But the lawsuits that followed paint a different picture.”

Read the full interview here.

How Vanya on 42nd Street Captured a Changing New York City – read an excerpt from WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT CITIES (AND LOVE) in Literary Hub

Monday, June 11th, 2018

Raymond Carver had a hero and role model: Chekhov. After Carver died, many obituaries suggested Carver was “America’s Chekhov.” The accolade would have likely thrilled, if embarrassed, the humble Carver. He loved Chekhov, even inserted some of the Russian’s poems into his own book of poems, never claiming they were his own, merely happy to see Chekhov there beside him, in print. Carver said, “Chekhov is the greatest short story writer who ever lived.” “Anyone who reads literature,” said Carver, “anyone who believes, as one must, in the transcendent power of art, sooner or later has to read Chekhov.” Tess Gallagher wrote how “Ray had somehow won permission through a lifetime of admiration [of Chekhov] to take up his work with the audacity of love.”

Read the full excerpt here.

“Whether we ask how or why we wish to optimize ourselves, Desperately Seeking Self-Improvement has plenty to say in response.” – DESPERATELY SEEKING SELF-IMPROVEMENT reviewed in The Times Literary Supplement

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

Even for Carl Cederström and André Spicer, professors at leading business schools, their resolution for 2016 was remarkably ambitious. They set out “to understand why people would be spending their lives trying to become better, faster, stronger” – that is, to understand why people make resolutions at all. The resulting book’s twelve chapters correspond to twelve months of self-optimization testing. Each has a set theme: productivity, the body, the brain, relationships, spirituality, sex, pleasure, creativity, money, morality, attention and meaning.”

Read the full review here.

“There will be no end to the Middle East conflicts without Iran” – MEDEA BENJAMIN interviewed in The Iranian

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

Medea Benjamin’s entry into the public sphere came with disruptive vigor in May 2013, when she interrupted an address by former US President Barack Obama to object to his then policy on the use of armed drones.

Obama responded to Benjamin at the time saying, “The voice of that woman is worth paying attention to… these are tough issues, and the suggestion that we can gloss over them is wrong.”

Read the full article here.

“Tandon makes many valid points about the way in which trade and tariffs hold back the global South” – TRADE IS WAR reviewed in Independent Catholic News

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

Trade wars and tariffs are in the news, thanks to President Trump’s populist protectionism. However, readers of ICN are probably already well aware of the moral arguments surrounding trade. The wealthy world’s trade policies have had a devastating effect on the developing world. This timely book explains how the US and EU subsidise their agriculture, and then dump their surplus production on poor countries. Through the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation, the International Monetary Fund and sundry trade agreements, the rich world insists it has access to global markets, while ignoring its own track record of subsidising its industries and agriculture for decades.

Read the full review here.

Does Israel have a ‘right to self-defence’ against Gaza? – NORMAN FINKELSTEIN and JAMIE STERN-WEINER in Red Pepper

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

On 1 June 2018, Razan al-Najjar—a 21 year-old paramedic—was shot dead by an Israeli sniper in Gaza while providing medical treatment to wounded protestors. She became the 119th Palestinian killed in Gaza since mass demonstrations against Israel’s siege began on 30 March. During the same period, Israeli forces shot more than 3,600 protestors with live ammunition, a figure which Israel’s preeminent human rights organisation B’Tselem has characterised as a ‘mindboggling number of casualties’. The onslaught has left Gaza’s strained healthcare system on the verge of collapse.

Read the full article here.

“There’s real support for a binational state in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. You wouldn’t know it from the media” – GREG SHUPAK in Salon

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

The one-state solution is the idea of bringing justice and peace to Palestine/Israel by having all inhabitants of historic Palestine — the land that includes Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza — living in one, binational country, where everyone has equal rights and political matters are settled on the basis of one person, one vote. This arrangement differs from the two-state solution, which would partition historic Palestine into two states divided along ethno-religious lines, and contrasts with present conditions, in which Palestinians live as second-class citizens inside Israel, and under Israeli occupation in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza — the last of which is subject to a merciless siege.

Read the full article here.

North Korea has taken big steps. Now it’s Trump’s turn to show goodwill – MEDEA BENJMIN in the Guardian

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

Respect and reciprocity are key elements in Korean culture. During our recent trip to South Korea as part of an international women’s peace delegation, South Korean women complained that Donald Trump’s erratic conduct showed disrespect for the mediating role of their president, Moon Jae-in. They also commented on the lack of US reciprocity for North Korea’s goodwill gesture of returning three imprisoned US citizens and blowing up three of the four tunnels and all the administrative buildings at the Punggye-ri nuclear testing area.

Read the full article here.

“The narration in The Candidate has the quality of being told from a front-row seat in this drama… Nunns’ skilled narration reads like a novel” – THE CANDIDATE reviewed in Social Movement Studies

Monday, June 4th, 2018

In his work on ‘post-democracy,’ political sociologist Colin Crouch provides a heuristic image
with which to understand an ideal democratic party. At the centre of this image is the party’s
leadership and its closest advisers, around which in concentric circles follow ‘parliamentary
representatives; then active members [including local government and paid staff]; next,
ordinary members [. . .], then supporters, or loyal voters [. . .]; finally, the largest circle of all,
the wider target audience, which the party seeks to persuade to vote for it.’

Read the full review here.

Burying the One-State Solution in Palestine/Israel – GREG SHUPAK writes for FAIR

Monday, June 4th, 2018

The one-state solution is the idea of bringing justice and peace to Palestine/Israel by having all inhabitants of historic Palestine—the land that includes Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza—living in one, binational country, where everyone has equal rights and political matters are settled on the basis of one person, one vote. This arrangement differs from the two-state solution, which would partition historic Palestine into two states divided along ethno-religious lines, and contrasts with present conditions, in which Palestinians live as second-class citizens inside Israel, and under Israeli occupation in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza—the last of which is subject to a merciless siege.

Read the full article here.

“After watching in horror as the United States invaded Iraq I am determined to do everything I can to stop a similar situation in Iran.” – MEDEA BENJAMIN interviewed in The Progressive

Monday, June 4th, 2018

Peace activist Medea Benjamin famously heckled President Barack Obama about closing Guantanamo Bay, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, won the Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Prize in 2010, and is the author of ten books. Her latest, Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, offers the first general-audience introduction to the country and the roots of its antagonistic relationship with the U.S.

Read the full interview here.

MEDEA BENJAMIN discusses the prospective Korean peace talks on Loud and Clear

Monday, June 4th, 2018

President Trump announced this afternoon that his June 12 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is back on. The president spoke with senior North Korean leader Kim Yong Chol after the North Korean held talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Brian and John speak with Medea Benjamin, an anti-war activist who is the co-founder of Code Pink, and just returned from Korea, where she was meeting with other peace activists..

The interview with Medea starts 57 minutes into the show.

Listen to the full interview here.

How the media denies Palestinians their humanity – GREG SHUPAK in Middle East Eye

Thursday, May 31st, 2018

Since the Great Return March demonstrations began on 30 March, Israel has killed at least 116 Palestinians in Gaza and injured thousands more while shooting at unarmed protesters.

Israel has used bullets that leave “unusually severe wounds to the lower extremities… [and] an extreme level of destruction to bones and soft tissue”, according to Doctors Without Borders. Israel’s most egregious attacks on unarmed protesters came on 14 May, when its forces killed 62 Palestinians…

Read the full article here.


Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

I’m plugging away at two other books right now, and was going to save everything for an end-of-the-month newsletter, but I finished Jeanne Thornton’s novel The Dream of Doctor Bantam a few days ago and have been having a lot of FEELINGS. There’s a whole genre of book reviews that are really personal essays and can stand on their own as pieces of literature, but I don’t think I’m going to attempt something like that for this book.

Read the full review at Thursday.Ink.

Media Tells Wrong Story About Palestine – GREG SHUPAK interviewed at Talk Nation Radio

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

Greg Shupak is the author of The Wrong Story: Palestine, Israel, and the Media, which can be purchased on the website of OR Books. He has a PhD in Literary Studies and teaches Media Studies at the University of Guelph in Toronto. His fiction has appeared in a wide range of literary journals and he regularly writes analysis of politics and media for a variety of outlets including Electronic Intifada, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, In These Times, Jacobin, Literary Review of Canada, Middle East Eye, TeleSUR, This Magazine, and Warscapes…

Listen to the full interview here.

“Hard-hitting” – TRUMP U reviewed in January Magazine

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

That Trump is a con man for the ages is the clear conclusion made in Trump U: The Inside Story of Trump University (OR Books). This insider’s exposé was written by Stephen Gilpen, a former employee of the now-defunct, unaccredited Trump University, who is described on the book’s back cover as “a self-taught expert at leveraging properties.” Before he hired on with the Trump Organization’s 2005-2010 foray into pedagogical profiteering, Gilpen had run a mortgage business and had made good money flipping real estate. He writes in Trump U that he thought it was possible to do good things for communities while buying and selling properties.

Read the full review here.

“Greg Shupak’s book resonates with clarity” – THE WRONG STORY reviewed in Middle East Monitor

Monday, May 28th, 2018

“The stories told about Palestine-Israel are as notable for what they exclude as they are for what they include.” This is an apt introduction to the three main narratives discussed in Greg Shupak’s book, “The Wrong Story. Palestine, Israel and the Media” (OR Books, 2018). It is imbued with meanings and not necessarily as straightforward as one would think upon first reading. Exclusion and inclusion, within the mainstream media context, are not juxtaposed against each other. On the contrary, both exclusion and inclusion operate within the parameters of projection; namely the attribution of violence to Palestinians by eliminating the historical and political framework.

Read the full review here.

Corbyn and the Manchester speech – an excerpt from THE CANDIDATE in Red Pepper

Monday, May 28th, 2018

In the middle of the 2017 general election campaign, disaster and tragedy struck with the Manchester terror attack. In this extract from the second edition of The Candidate, Alex Nunns tells how the Corbyn campaign responded this time last year with a speech that was careful, but radical.

Read the full excerpt here.

STEPHEN GILPIN gives the inside story on TRUMP U at the Regional News Network

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

RFL Host Richard French speaks with Stephen Gilpin, author of the new book “Trump U, The Inside Story.”

Watch the full interview here.

“The focus group’s distrust of ordinary people, sketched so well in Featherstone’s book, goes some way toward explaining polling’s crisis of 2016 ” – DIVINING DESIRE reviewed in Public Books

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

What can we know of our fellow citizens? The question is at root philosophical or epistemological. In the peculiar climate fostered by the Trump regime, however—not to mention the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal—it has also become a political one. Everything from the trustworthiness of social scientific indicators to the facticity of the news media to the techniques by which candidates reach voters is now subject to suspicion. The means by which we know “the public” is, today, a central public debate.

Read the full review here.

What’s happening in Gaza? – GREG SHUPAK interviewed at A Correction podcast

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

In this episode Lev speaks with Greg Shupak about the recent events in Gaza. They discuss the goals of the demonstrators and the Israeli government, the economics of Gaza, and what it means to manufacture consent.

Listen to the full interview here.

“We got to a point of thinking that there is nothing left to do but tear everything down. ” – JONATHAN LERNER interviewed in the New Haven Independent

Monday, May 21st, 2018

Jonathan Lerner was lucky. He didn’t end up killing anybody.

But as a member of the Weather Underground in the 1960s, he did help people who killed people — and carried out narcissistic violence in the notion that they were making a better world.

Fifty years later, he has revisited how he got caught up in that mess. He sought to understand how that happens to people. And what lessons he can offer for young people today who are similarly convinced they need to take dramatic action at a time when America’s political system seems hopelessly broken..

Read the full interview here.

“This scintillating anthology draws on the rich mélange of people who inhabit today’s London” – TALES OF TWO LONDONS reviewed at The London Economic

Monday, May 21st, 2018

Britain has seldom been so divided. There are chasms that exist between the left and the right, gender and age divides and increasingly notable wealth disparities. And if you want a microcosm of that, few places evidence it as potently as London.

London today is embattled as rarely before in peacetime. On one side the city has flourished, cementing its standing as a world leader in business and culture. On the other, poverty remains endemic, homelessness and the privations of low paid work are evident everywhere, gang violence is rampant, and the burnt-out hulk of the Grenfell Tower housing block stands as an ugly reminder that, even in the wealthiest areas, inequality can be so acute as to be murderous.

Read the full interview here.

A CIA Coup Set the Stage for the Conflict With Iran – MEDEA BENJAMIN interviewed in Truthout

Monday, May 21st, 2018

Before the theocratic government of today’s Iran, there was the brutal Shah. Before the Shah, the CIA overthrew a pro-Western government that had been democratically elected. Mohammad Mossadegh was the prime minister and his US-backed downfall in 1953 was the spark that set in motion the conflict with Iran today. In this interview, Medea Benjamin sheds light on this seminal incident with Iran. She also explores the nation’s history and politics.

Read the full interview here.

A New Politics from the Left – ALEX NUNNS in conversation with Hilary Wainwright at the London Review of Books podcast

Monday, May 21st, 2018

Hilary Wainwright, co-editor of Red Pepper magazine and fellow of the Transnational Institute, has been a significant figure on the left of the Labour Movement since the heyday of the GLC. Her latest book A New Politics from the Left (Polity) reflects on the recent reinvigoration of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn, and presents a grass-roots up vision of the future that is both profoundly radical and entirely practical. She was in conversation about her book, and the future of the left in Britain, with journalist, activist and author Melissa Benn, and Alex Nunns, author of The Candidate (OR Books).

Listen to the full conversation here.

“It’s not the journalist’s role to decide what the public can see” – SARAH HARRISON interviewed by the European Centre for Press & Media Freedom

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

GAMEC HANGER is the annual conference of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom on 28 -29 May 2018 in Leipzig. Its theme is the controversial role of new technology in the future of media freedom. To inform debate, ECPMF is publishing several articles. In an interview with former WikiLeaks editor Sarah Harrison, who helped whistleblower Edward Snowden to escape to Russia, ECPMF discusses the issues raised in her new book “Women, whistleblowing and WikiLeaks“, published by OR Books.

Read the full interview here.

ALEX NUNNS discusses the state of the British Labour Party at Politics Theory Other

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

This week I’m joined by Alex Nunns, author of The Candidate: Jeremy Corbyn’s Improbable Path to Power to discuss the Labour Party after the local elections, the balance of power within the PLP, and the prospects for a new centrist party.

Listen to the full interview here.

The Birth of the Focus Group – read an extract from DIVINING DESIRE in Quirk’s Marketing Research Review

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

Read the full extract here.

“A murderous assault on nonviolent protesters” – NORMAN FINKELSTEIN on Gaza at The Real News

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

Norman Finkelstein says that Israeli forces have conducted “a murderous assault on non-violent protesters” in Gaza’s Great March of Return because non-violent protest threatens not Israel, but its occupation.

Watch the full interview here.

London’s ‘War Zone’: What Trump and Others Don’t See – read an excerpt from TALES OF TWO LONDONS at City Lab

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

Trump angered Brits when he cited London’s increasing knife violence recently, saying a city hospital there was “like a war zone.” In this excerpt from Tales of Two Londons, the authors describe the joys and threats in a London neighborhood..

Read the full excerpt here.

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