The Global Warming Reader

Edited and with an original introduction by Bill McKibben

“…Here’s what isn’t happening: an outpouring of political outrage forcing leaders around the globe to wean our world off the fossil fuels that cause this heating. In some sense, this anthology is an attempt to deal with that paradox. We live at the moment when the biggest thing that ever happened is (literally) gaining steam.” —from the introduction

About the Book

This is a book for all of us: students, activists, Earthlings. Edited by perhaps the most widely-respected writer on the environment today, GWR is a comprehensive resource that collects seminal texts and voices on climate change from the phenomenon’s discovery in the late 19th century to the present. What is happening to our planet—and what can we do about it? This collection, which includes criticism of the very concept of global warming (by doubters U.S. Sen. James Inhofe and Michael Crichton), attempts to answer these all-important questions.

Divided into three parts—Science, Politics, and Meaning—the book contains a transcript of NASA scientist James Hansen’s testimony before the U.S. Congress; George Monbiot’s biting, convincing indictment of who is really using up the planet’s resources; Elizabeth Kolbert’s groundbreaking essay “The Darkening Sea,” and excerpts from the work of Al Gore, Naomi Klein, and many others. Even in this age of electronic archives, GWR is essential, as much for Bill McKibben’s selection and introductions as it is for its broad spectrum of content.

Including original introductory paragraphs to each selection by the editor.

Writing and testimony by: Savante Arrhenius, Sally Bingham, Adrienne Maree Brown, G.S. Callendar, Michael Crichton, Paul Crutzen & Eugene F. Stoermer, The Evangelical Climate Initiative, Ross Gelbspan, Al Gore, James Hansen, Mark Hertsgaard, James Inhofe, IPCC Working Group I, Van Jones, Naomi Klein, Elizabeth Kolbert, Jeff Masters, George Monbiot, Mohamed Nasheed, Naomi Oreskes, Billy Parish, Roger Revelle & Hans E. Suess, Arundhati Roy, Peter Schwartz & Doug Randall, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Mike Tidwell, and John Vidal.

Publication September 1st 2011 • 400 pages, plus index; illustrated.
paperback ISBN 978-1-935928-36-2 • ebook ISBN 978-1-935928-35-5

About the Editor

Editor Bill McKibben is the author of a dozen books about the environment, including The End of Nature, the first book for a general audience about global warming. His most recent book is Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet. Scholar in residence at Middlebury College, he is the founder of, the largest grassroots global campaign to fight climate change. McKibben is a frequent contributor to various publications, including The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, Orion magazine, Mother Jones, The New York Review of Books, The Middlebury Campus, Granta, National Geographic, Rolling Stone, and Outside.






In the Media

Firedoglake, October 15th 2011

Energy Bulletin, September 26th 2011

Al Gore’s blog, August 4th 2011

The Huffington Post, August 3rd 2011

Grist, July 18th 2011

Mother Jones, July 14th 2011

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