An anthology calling upon American writers to address the plight of the Palestinians. Editor Freeman notes in her introduction, “what can and cannot be done in America is a question that carries enormous hope on the part of people who do not live here.” ….A vibrant, high-spirited collection that will appeal to those on one side of this complex geopolitical conundrum.

To read the full review of Extraordinary Rendition, visit Kirkus Reviews.

A succinct, disturbing report on the prevalence of malpractice in modern medicine. Fortunately, Lieber doesn’t decorate his study with scare tactics or confusing jargon; his perspective is clearly that of an informed consumer concerned with the welfare of those seeking American medical care. …An imperative analysis that begs for discussion by industry watchdogs and consumers alike.

To read the full review of Killer Care, visit Kirkus Reviews.

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